Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2003-2005
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2003-2005 -
VV 01070 Foreign catch in Faroese waters, tonnes live weight by species and c...
VV 01070 Foreign catch in Faroese waters, tonnes live weight by species and countries (1999-2017) -
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2009-2011
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2009-2011 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2009-2011
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2009-2011 -
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2004-2006
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2004-2006 -
Breakdown of external trade by countries and currencies 1999-2015
Breakdown of external trade by countries and currencies 1999-2015 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2010-2012
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2010-2012 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2006-2008
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2006-2008 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 3, 2005-2007
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 3, 2005-2007 -
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2010-2012
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2010-2012 -
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2006-2008
Exports by countries and commodities (SI classification) 2006-2008 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2007-2009
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2007-2009 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2013-2015
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2013-2015 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2009-2011
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2009-2011 -
001 -- Monthly comparative price levels (Finland=100) 1998-2019 M 03
001 -- Monthly comparative price levels (Finland=100) 1998-2019 M 03