Final consumption expenditure of households and non-profit institutions servi...
Final consumption expenditure of households and non-profit institutions serving households - quarterly data -
001 -- Household-dwelling units by number of persons and type of building 198...
001 -- Household-dwelling units by number of persons and type of building 1985-2017 -
Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services from other EU c...
Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services from other EU countries -
Net Lending/Borrowing (current and capital account) - annual data
Net Lending/Borrowing (current and capital account) - annual data -
HICP - all items excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco
HICP - all items excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco -
Dwellings by type of building, occupancy and year of construction 2016
Dwellings by type of building, occupancy and year of construction 2016 -
Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services
Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services -
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: M N - current prices
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: M N - current prices -
Net international investment position - annual data
Net international investment position - annual data -
Real effective exchange rate - Euro Area trading partners
Real effective exchange rate - Euro Area trading partners -
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: R-U - volumes
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: R-U - volumes -
Final consumption expenditure of general government
Final consumption expenditure of general government -
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: K - volumes
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: K - volumes -
Nominal effective exchange rate for euro area
Nominal effective exchange rate for euro area -
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: L - volumes
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: L - volumes -
General government gross debt - annual data
General government gross debt - annual data -
Domestic producer prices - capital goods
Domestic producer prices - capital goods -
Exports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco
Exports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco -
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: A - volumes
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: A - volumes -
HICP - all items excluding energy
HICP - all items excluding energy -
House price index - annual data
House price index - annual data -
Retail trade turnover - total
Retail trade turnover - total -
Import prices - intermediate goods
Import prices - intermediate goods -
Turnover in industry - capital goods
Turnover in industry - capital goods -
House price index, deflated - annual data
House price index, deflated - annual data -
General government gross debt
General government gross debt -
Motorways network by NUTS 2 regions
Motorways network by NUTS 2 regions -
HICP - household equipment
HICP - household equipment -
Final energy consumption
Final energy consumption -
HICP - transport
HICP - transport