002 -- General government debt, consolidated between sub-sectors 1975-2018
002 -- General government debt, consolidated between sub-sectors 1975-2018 -
11 zx -- Non-financial assets annually, 1995-2017
11 zx -- Non-financial assets annually, 1995-2017 -
002 -- Central government guarantees by quarter starting from 2005, EUR million
002 -- Central government guarantees by quarter starting from 2005, EUR million -
001 -- Environmental protection expenditure accounts 2014 - 2015
001 -- Environmental protection expenditure accounts 2014 - 2015 -
005 -- Ammatin pääluokan mukaan vakioitu säännöllisen ansion indeksi 2010=100
005 -- Ammatin pääluokan mukaan vakioitu säännöllisen ansion indeksi 2010=100 -
002 -- Taxes and tax-like payments, tax types 1975-2018
002 -- Taxes and tax-like payments, tax types 1975-2018 -
115 k -- Employed labour force in area (workplaces) by area, sector (Classifi...
115 k -- Employed labour force in area (workplaces) by area, sector (Classification of Sectors 2012) and year, 2014-2016 -
001 -- Multi-factor productivity by industry 1976-2017, value added
001 -- Multi-factor productivity by industry 1976-2017, value added -
013 -- Sähkön kulutus sektoreittain
013 -- Sähkön kulutus sektoreittain -
010 -- Final energy consumption by sector
010 -- Final energy consumption by sector -
006 -- Capital and labour compensation by industry 1975-2017
006 -- Capital and labour compensation by industry 1975-2017 -
003 -- Multi-factor productivity by industry 1976-2017, production
003 -- Multi-factor productivity by industry 1976-2017, production -
008 -- Output and employment by region 2000-2016*, 30 industries
008 -- Output and employment by region 2000-2016*, 30 industries -
001 -- Ansiotasoindeksi ja säännöllisen ansion indeksi työnantajasektoreittain
001 -- Ansiotasoindeksi ja säännöllisen ansion indeksi työnantajasektoreittain -
Voittoa tavoittelemattomat yhteisöt 2001-2007 (TOL 2002)
Voittoa tavoittelemattomat yhteisöt 2001-2007 (TOL 2002) -
902 -- Tuotanto ja työllisyys suuralueittain 1975-2008*, 30 toimialaa
902 -- Tuotanto ja työllisyys suuralueittain 1975-2008*, 30 toimialaa -
010 -- Employed labour force in area (workplaces) by area, sector (Classifica...
010 -- Employed labour force in area (workplaces) by area, sector (Classification of Sectors 2012) and year 2014-2016 -
006 -- Output and employment by major region 2000-2016*, 30 industries
006 -- Output and employment by major region 2000-2016*, 30 industries -
11 in -- General government revenue and expenditure by quarter, 1999 Q 1-2018...
11 in -- General government revenue and expenditure by quarter, 1999 Q 1-2018 Q 4 -
008 -- Nominal rate of return by industry 1975-2017
008 -- Nominal rate of return by industry 1975-2017 -
001 -- General government deficit and debt 1975-2018
001 -- General government deficit and debt 1975-2018 -
001 -- Taxes and tax-like payments, totals 1975-2018
001 -- Taxes and tax-like payments, totals 1975-2018 -
007 -- Capital stocks by industry 1975-2017
007 -- Capital stocks by industry 1975-2017 -
904 -- Tuotanto ja työllisyys maakunnittain 1975-2008*, 30 toimialaa
904 -- Tuotanto ja työllisyys maakunnittain 1975-2008*, 30 toimialaa -
11 ii -- Quarterly sector accounts, 1999 Q 1-2018 Q 4
11 ii -- Quarterly sector accounts, 1999 Q 1-2018 Q 4 -
004 -- Labour productivity by industry 1976-2017, production
004 -- Labour productivity by industry 1976-2017, production -
014 -- Gross fixed capital formation by region 2000-2016*
014 -- Gross fixed capital formation by region 2000-2016* -
Voittoa tavoittelemattomat yhteisöt 2007-2012 (TOL 2008)
Voittoa tavoittelemattomat yhteisöt 2007-2012 (TOL 2008) -
Valtion takaustiedot neljänneksittäin vuodesta 2002 alkaen, miljoonaa euroa
Valtion takaustiedot neljänneksittäin vuodesta 2002 alkaen, miljoonaa euroa -
122 a -- Investment, profit and saving rates quarterly, 1999 Q 1-2018 Q 4
122 a -- Investment, profit and saving rates quarterly, 1999 Q 1-2018 Q 4