Annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions per pupil/s...
Annual expenditure on public and private educational institutions per pupil/student -
Housing cost overburden rate by poverty status - EU-SILC survey
Housing cost overburden rate by poverty status - EU-SILC survey -
Women per 100 men
Women per 100 men -
Curative care beds in hospitals
Curative care beds in hospitals -
Livestock density index
Livestock density index -
Share of irrigable and irrigated areas in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by...
Share of irrigable and irrigated areas in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions -
Employment by NACE Rev.2 - percentage change Q/Q-4, NSA
Employment by NACE Rev.2 - percentage change Q/Q-4, NSA -
Environmental protection expenditure of industry by type
Environmental protection expenditure of industry by type -
Cereals for the production of grain (including seed) by area, production and ...
Cereals for the production of grain (including seed) by area, production and humidity -
Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market
Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market -
Net savings by sub-sectors - current prices, million units of national currency
Net savings by sub-sectors - current prices, million units of national currency -
Emissions of ammonia (NH 3), by source sector
Emissions of ammonia (NH 3), by source sector -
Unemployment rate - quarterly data, seasonally adjusted
Unemployment rate - quarterly data, seasonally adjusted -
Household final consumption expenditures by durability - percentage change Q/Q-1
Household final consumption expenditures by durability - percentage change Q/Q-1 -
Individuals' level of internet skills
Individuals' level of internet skills -
Mobility of students in Europe
Mobility of students in Europe -
Daily calorie supply per capita by source
Daily calorie supply per capita by source -
Unit value of imports
Unit value of imports -
Government final consumption expenditure, volumes
Government final consumption expenditure, volumes -
Other investment by sectors - annual data, million units of national currency
Other investment by sectors - annual data, million units of national currency -
3-month-interest rate
3-month-interest rate -
Intra-EU direct investment reported by EU Member State
Intra-EU direct investment reported by EU Member State -
Individuals using the internet for finding information about goods and services
Individuals using the internet for finding information about goods and services -
Number of establishments and bed-places
Number of establishments and bed-places -
Long term government bond yields
Long term government bond yields -
Domestic producer prices - intermediate goods
Domestic producer prices - intermediate goods -
Goods transport by inland waterways
Goods transport by inland waterways -
Share of OECD exports
Share of OECD exports -
Percentage of households with broadband access in relation to households with...
Percentage of households with broadband access in relation to households with internet access, by NUTS 2 regions -
Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees