Numbers and income of dwelling population and household-dwelling units by reg...
Numbers and income of dwelling population and household-dwelling units by region in 1995-2015 -
General government establishments by region and general government type in 20...
General government establishments by region and general government type in 2013 to 2015 -
Graduated students 2000-2016 by year, sex, level of education, field of educa...
Graduated students 2000-2016 by year, sex, level of education, field of education and age group -
Students outside Åland 2017 by level of education, field of education, year, ...
Students outside Åland 2017 by level of education, field of education, year, country of school and sex -
Rehabilitation pension beneficiaries by financers, gender and age in December...
Rehabilitation pension beneficiaries by financers, gender and age in December 2007-2016 -
Time use (26 categories) of employed men by socio-economic group in 1999-2000...
Time use (26 categories) of employed men by socio-economic group in 1999-2000 and 2009-2010 -
Mean age, median age and modal age of partners at the foundation of a consens...
Mean age, median age and modal age of partners at the foundation of a consensual union 1991-2011 -
005 -- Financial account, monthly
005 -- Financial account, monthly -
Number of employed persons, jobs and hours worked by economic activity 2008-2017
Number of employed persons, jobs and hours worked by economic activity 2008-2017 -
ITUG 250. Countries of origin of clients, from which enterprises received ord...
ITUG 250. Countries of origin of clients, from which enterprises received orders, using internet homepage or apps -
Educational attainment of 16-74 year olds by labour force status according to...
Educational attainment of 16-74 year olds by labour force status according to ISCED 2011 2003-2017, percentage distribution -
LSSA 13 I 06. Agricultura holdings by share of agricultural production for sa...
LSSA 13 I 06. Agricultura holdings by share of agricultural production for sale and statistical region -
ITMG 031. Types of Internet connection in households at the beginning of the ...
ITMG 031. Types of Internet connection in households at the beginning of the year, 2004-2013 -
Children in pre-primary institutions by age of children and daily attendance ...
Children in pre-primary institutions by age of children and daily attendance 1998-2017 -
Utility model applications filed in Finland by IPC section, 2008-2013
Utility model applications filed in Finland by IPC section, 2008-2013 -
Candidates by sex, age and political organisation in general elections to the...
Candidates by sex, age and political organisation in general elections to the Althingi 2003-2009 -
Activity rate, unemployment, labour force and working hours - yearly 1991-2017
Activity rate, unemployment, labour force and working hours - yearly 1991-2017 -
Gross domestic product per capita at current prices (converted to purchasing ...
Gross domestic product per capita at current prices (converted to purchasing power parities) 1995-2015 by region and year -
Price indices of groundfish, shellfish, fishmeal, fish oil and herring by mon...
Price indices of groundfish, shellfish, fishmeal, fish oil and herring by months 1986-2006 -
Migration 2012-2016 by year, country of birth, age, country and type of migra...
Migration 2012-2016 by year, country of birth, age, country and type of migration -
Vital statistics by quarter 1987 -
Vital statistics by quarter 1987 - -
VV 05010 Index for retail trade by commodity groups and inflation adjustment ...
VV 05010 Index for retail trade by commodity groups and inflation adjustment (1995-2018) -
Production and consumption of district heat
Production and consumption of district heat -
Establishments by industry 2015
Establishments by industry 2015 -
Number of enterprises and operational information by NACE classification and ...
Number of enterprises and operational information by NACE classification and size 2012-2014 -
Financial statements, municipalities 2016
Financial statements, municipalities 2016 -
DSS 06-11. Number of employees by main occupational groups, statistical regio...
DSS 06-11. Number of employees by main occupational groups, statistical regions and sex in the end of October (thsd persons) -
Rulings of the Icelandic Press Council by violation of the code of journalism...
Rulings of the Icelandic Press Council by violation of the code of journalism ethics 1985-2017 -
Personnel full-time equivalents in pre-primary institutions by occupation and...
Personnel full-time equivalents in pre-primary institutions by occupation and education 1994-2017 -
A IZG 300. Enrolees of higher education institutions and colleges by place of...
A IZG 300. Enrolees of higher education institutions and colleges by place of residence, 2010/11-2013/14