019 -- Vuoden 2014 keskiväkiluku vuoden 2015 aluejaolla
019 -- Vuoden 2014 keskiväkiluku vuoden 2015 aluejaolla -
Euro/national currency exchange rates
Euro/national currency exchange rates -
002 -- b. Number of income recipients, incomes, deductions and taxes by incom...
002 -- b. Number of income recipients, incomes, deductions and taxes by income-class, 2015, number of recipients, whole country -
3.6. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Pirkanmaa consti...
3.6. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Pirkanmaa constituency -
Pupils in primary and lower secondary education (ISCED 1-2) by NUTS 2 regions
Pupils in primary and lower secondary education (ISCED 1-2) by NUTS 2 regions -
Hours worked per week of part-time employment
Hours worked per week of part-time employment -
4.14. Ehdokkaat äänestysalueittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2012, Lapin vaalipiiri
4.14. Ehdokkaat äänestysalueittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2012, Lapin vaalipiiri -
11 zu -- Average monthly earnings by sector and gender, 2000 Q 1-2019 Q 1*
11 zu -- Average monthly earnings by sector and gender, 2000 Q 1-2019 Q 1* -
Harmonised unemployment rate by sex - age group 25-74
Harmonised unemployment rate by sex - age group 25-74 -
Life expectancy at birth, by sex
Life expectancy at birth, by sex -
Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and constituency in Municipal ...
Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and constituency in Municipal elections 2004 -
Refugees (incl. refugee-like situations) 1951-2017
Refugees (incl. refugee-like situations) 1951-2017 -
11 x 6 -- Central government monthly salaries by occupation (Classification o...
11 x 6 -- Central government monthly salaries by occupation (Classification of Occupations 2010), 2018 -
914 -- Teema 2010: MVL veronalaiset tulot, menot, varat ja velat tuotantosuun...
914 -- Teema 2010: MVL veronalaiset tulot, menot, varat ja velat tuotantosuunnittain tulos-tuki paneelin tiloilla, vv 2004-2010 -
11 ad -- Vital statistics and population, 1749-2017
11 ad -- Vital statistics and population, 1749-2017 -
904 -- Kotimaan tieliikenteen vuosisuoritteet 1999-2010
904 -- Kotimaan tieliikenteen vuosisuoritteet 1999-2010 -
Investment specifications, municipalities 2016
Investment specifications, municipalities 2016 -
Kuntien konsernitaseet 2014
Kuntien konsernitaseet 2014 -
Net Social contributions
Net Social contributions -
105 -- 5. Numbers of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and ...
105 -- 5. Numbers of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
Voter turnout in national and EU parliamentary elections
Voter turnout in national and EU parliamentary elections -
112 g -- Index of turnover of construction monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019...
112 g -- Index of turnover of construction monthly (2015=100), 1995 M 01-2019 M 03* -
023 -- Korkeakoulusektorin tutkimushenkilöstö koulutuksen mukaan korkeakoului...
023 -- Korkeakoulusektorin tutkimushenkilöstö koulutuksen mukaan korkeakouluittain 2004-2017 -
11 cp -- Persons suspected of offences by level of education, 2009-2018
11 cp -- Persons suspected of offences by level of education, 2009-2018 -
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: A - current prices
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: A - current prices -
012 -- 8. Number of generally taxed income recipients, taxable incomes and ta...
012 -- 8. Number of generally taxed income recipients, taxable incomes and taxes 2005-2010 -
At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by sex - EU-SILC survey
At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people by sex - EU-SILC survey -
Gross domestic product, current prices
Gross domestic product, current prices -
027 -- Taajamat väkiluvun ja väestöntiheyden mukaan 31.12.2014
027 -- Taajamat väkiluvun ja väestöntiheyden mukaan 31.12.2014 -
7.13 Oulu constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Par...
7.13 Oulu constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011