Construction cost of new residential buildings
Construction cost of new residential buildings -
Persons employed part-time - Total
Persons employed part-time - Total -
Energy consumption of transport relative to GDP
Energy consumption of transport relative to GDP -
Building permits - monthly data
Building permits - monthly data -
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - Index (2012=100)
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - Index (2012=100) -
Death due to suicide, by sex
Death due to suicide, by sex -
Real labour productivity per person employed - annual data
Real labour productivity per person employed - annual data -
Employed persons having more than one job by sex
Employed persons having more than one job by sex -
Overcrowding rate by age group - population without single-person households ...
Overcrowding rate by age group - population without single-person households - EU-SILC survey -
Agricultural holdings by agricultural area
Agricultural holdings by agricultural area -
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: L - current prices
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: L - current prices -
Direct investment liabilities, by instruments - annual data, million units of...
Direct investment liabilities, by instruments - annual data, million units of national currency -
Housing deprivation rate by number of item - EU-SILC survey
Housing deprivation rate by number of item - EU-SILC survey -
Output of the agricultural industry - basic and producer prices
Output of the agricultural industry - basic and producer prices -
Import prices - consumer non-durables
Import prices - consumer non-durables -
Level of internet access - households
Level of internet access - households -
Gross fixed capital formation (investments)
Gross fixed capital formation (investments) -
Total financial sector liabilities, consolidated
Total financial sector liabilities, consolidated -
Venture capital investments
Venture capital investments -
Employment growth by sex
Employment growth by sex -
Financial account - annual data
Financial account - annual data -
Energy intensity of the economy
Energy intensity of the economy -
Number of bed-places by NACE Rev.2 (I)
Number of bed-places by NACE Rev.2 (I) -
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion -
Indicator A of the income from agricultural activity
Indicator A of the income from agricultural activity -
Shares of environmental and labour taxes in total tax revenues from taxes and...
Shares of environmental and labour taxes in total tax revenues from taxes and social contributions -
Youth unemployment rate by sex
Youth unemployment rate by sex -
Crude rate of net migration plus adjustment
Crude rate of net migration plus adjustment -
Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors - annual data
Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors - annual data -
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: TOTAL - volumes
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: TOTAL - volumes