Population 1999-2017 by municipality, citizenship and year
Population 1999-2017 by municipality, citizenship and year -
Total and land area by NUTS 2 region
Total and land area by NUTS 2 region -
Population 1999-2017 by country of birth, year and sex
Population 1999-2017 by country of birth, year and sex -
Age-specific fertility rates by age of mother in 2000 to 2015
Age-specific fertility rates by age of mother in 2000 to 2015 -
Population 31.12.1999-31.12.2017 by year, sex, age and country of birth
Population 31.12.1999-31.12.2017 by year, sex, age and country of birth -
Population as a percentage of EU 28 population
Population as a percentage of EU 28 population -
Population by sex in the whole country 1750 - 2016
Population by sex in the whole country 1750 - 2016 -
MT 1.1.1 Population by age, sex and place of usual residence
MT 1.1.1 Population by age, sex and place of usual residence -
Deaths 1991-2016 by sex, year, municipality and age group
Deaths 1991-2016 by sex, year, municipality and age group -
Population according to age (5-year) and sex in the whole country 1865 - 2016
Population according to age (5-year) and sex in the whole country 1865 - 2016 -
Mean-, median and modal age of parents 1961-2017
Mean-, median and modal age of parents 1961-2017 -
Population 31.12.2000-2017 by year, municipality and country of birth
Population 31.12.2000-2017 by year, municipality and country of birth -
Migration 1987-2016 by country, type of migration and year
Migration 1987-2016 by country, type of migration and year -
Deaths 1999-2015 by year, sex, causes of death and age
Deaths 1999-2015 by year, sex, causes of death and age -
Population according to age (1-year) and sex 1970 - 2016
Population according to age (1-year) and sex 1970 - 2016 -
Population, mid-year population
Population, mid-year population -
Population at year end
Population at year end -
Population by locality, age and sex 1 January 2011-2018
Population by locality, age and sex 1 January 2011-2018 -
Population 31.12.1997-2017 by year, age, municipality and sex
Population 31.12.1997-2017 by year, age, municipality and sex -
Population 31.12.2001-31.12.2017 by year, sex, age and citizenship
Population 31.12.2001-31.12.2017 by year, sex, age and citizenship -
Population 31.12.2000-2017 by year, age, language and sex
Population 31.12.2000-2017 by year, age, language and sex -
Key figures on population by region in 1990 to 2016
Key figures on population by region in 1990 to 2016 -
11 rb -- Population and change in population size by sex, 1750-2018
11 rb -- Population and change in population size by sex, 1750-2018 -
Population density by area 1.1.2009
Population density by area 1.1.2009 -
Births and deaths 1920-2016 by year and fertility/mortality
Births and deaths 1920-2016 by year and fertility/mortality -
Total fertility rate 1776 - 2016
Total fertility rate 1776 - 2016 -
Healthy life years at 65 - males
Healthy life years at 65 - males -
Population density by area 1.1.2011
Population density by area 1.1.2011 -
Population density by area 1.1.2010
Population density by area 1.1.2010 -
First permits by reason
First permits by reason