Turnover in services - index and percentage changes
Turnover in services - index and percentage changes -
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex -
Total fertility rate
Total fertility rate -
External balance of goods and services, current prices
External balance of goods and services, current prices -
Percentage of the ICT sector on GDP
Percentage of the ICT sector on GDP -
Participants in labour market policy measures, by type of action (source: DG ...
Participants in labour market policy measures, by type of action (source: DG EMPL) -
Deaths by NUTS 2 region
Deaths by NUTS 2 region -
Eco-innovation index
Eco-innovation index -
At risk-of-poverty rate for the population living in (quasi-)jobless households
At risk-of-poverty rate for the population living in (quasi-)jobless households -
Final energy consumption by agriculture/forestry per hectare of utilised agri...
Final energy consumption by agriculture/forestry per hectare of utilised agricultural area -
Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions
Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions -
Household saving rate
Household saving rate -
Pension funds: total investments
Pension funds: total investments -
Landscape fragmentation
Landscape fragmentation -
Out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare
Out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare -
Organic crop area (fully converted area)
Organic crop area (fully converted area) -
Gross disposable income
Gross disposable income -
Individuals using the internet for sending/receiving e-mails
Individuals using the internet for sending/receiving e-mails -
Enterprises using radio frequency identification (RFID) instrument
Enterprises using radio frequency identification (RFID) instrument -
Final energy consumption in households by fuel
Final energy consumption in households by fuel -
Total length of railway lines
Total length of railway lines -
Short-term interest rates: Day-to-day money rates
Short-term interest rates: Day-to-day money rates -
Proportion of population aged 65 and over
Proportion of population aged 65 and over -
Generation of waste by waste category
Generation of waste by waste category -
Taxes on production and imports
Taxes on production and imports -
Employment, domestic concept - quarterly data, thousands persons, not seasona...
Employment, domestic concept - quarterly data, thousands persons, not seasonally adjusted -
Economic sentiment indicator
Economic sentiment indicator -
At-risk-of-poverty rate of households without dependent children by work inte...
At-risk-of-poverty rate of households without dependent children by work intensity - EU-SILC survey -
General government gross debt (EDP concept), consolidated - annual data
General government gross debt (EDP concept), consolidated - annual data -
Trade in goods, by main world traders
Trade in goods, by main world traders