909 -- Inverse matrix 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008)
909 -- Inverse matrix 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) -
Individuals using the internet for looking for information about education, t...
Individuals using the internet for looking for information about education, training or course offers -
004 -- Employees and self-employed persons aged 15-74
004 -- Employees and self-employed persons aged 15-74 -
114 f -- Household-dwelling units with debt by major region, age of reference...
114 f -- Household-dwelling units with debt by major region, age of reference person and debt-class, in 2017 money, 2002-2017 -
7.1. Municipal elections 2012, data on voting by region
7.1. Municipal elections 2012, data on voting by region -
Specifications of operating economy, joint municipal authorities 2016
Specifications of operating economy, joint municipal authorities 2016 -
11 hk -- Business restructuring proceedings by region (TOL 2008), 2003-2018
11 hk -- Business restructuring proceedings by region (TOL 2008), 2003-2018 -
3.8. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, South Savo const...
3.8. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, South Savo constituency -
024 -- Population density by area 1.1.2011
024 -- Population density by area 1.1.2011 -
4.7. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Kymi constitu...
4.7. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Kymi constituency -
007 -- 3 b. Number, taxable incomes and taxes of individuals by region, 2009
007 -- 3 b. Number, taxable incomes and taxes of individuals by region, 2009 -
010 -- . Number, incomes and taxes of individuals by sex, age and income subj...
010 -- . Number, incomes and taxes of individuals by sex, age and income subject to state taxation, 2015, EUR 1000 -
7.10 North Karelia constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting distri...
7.10 North Karelia constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 -
002 -- Sähkön ja lämmön tuotannon polttoaineet, TJ
002 -- Sähkön ja lämmön tuotannon polttoaineet, TJ -
3.13 Lapland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by munic...
3.13 Lapland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
001 -- Foreign affiliates by country 2004 - 2017
001 -- Foreign affiliates by country 2004 - 2017 -
001 -- Consumption of hard coal
001 -- Consumption of hard coal -
178 -- 7.9 Vaasa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district...
178 -- 7.9 Vaasa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
002 -- Velkajärjestelyä hakeneet henkilöt
002 -- Velkajärjestelyä hakeneet henkilöt -
002 -- Kivihiilen varastot
002 -- Kivihiilen varastot -
002 -- Käänteismatriisi 2002
002 -- Käänteismatriisi 2002 -
002 -- Internal tourism consumption
002 -- Internal tourism consumption -
005 -- Household-dwelling units with debt by age and rate of indebtedness 200...
005 -- Household-dwelling units with debt by age and rate of indebtedness 2002-2016, in 2016 money -
Overcrowding rate by tenure status - EU-SILC survey
Overcrowding rate by tenure status - EU-SILC survey -
012 -- Attendance to cultural events
012 -- Attendance to cultural events -
2. Vaalikartta-aineisto vaalipiireittäin - Presidentinvaalit 2012, 1 vaali.
Vaalikartta-aineisto vaalipiireittäin - Presidentinvaalit 2012, 1 vaali. -
009 -- 5. Income recipients and taxable incomes by major region and income su...
009 -- 5. Income recipients and taxable incomes by major region and income subject to state taxation, 2012, EUR 1000 -
006 -- Kuntatalous vanhat perusvuodet tehtäväalueittain
006 -- Kuntatalous vanhat perusvuodet tehtäväalueittain -
4.9. Vaalikartta-aineisto äänestysalueittain eduskuntavaaleissa 2015, Pori
4.9. Vaalikartta-aineisto äänestysalueittain eduskuntavaaleissa 2015, Pori -
004 -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2015=100
004 -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2015=100