Employees, domestic concept - annual data
Employees, domestic concept - annual data -
Public expenditure on labour market policy supports, by type of action (sourc...
Public expenditure on labour market policy supports, by type of action (source: DG EMPL) -
Gender differences in the relative income of older people - EU-SILC survey
Gender differences in the relative income of older people - EU-SILC survey -
Internet use by individuals
Internet use by individuals -
Households with broadband access
Households with broadband access -
Pupils and students in all levels of education (ISCED 0-6) by NUTS 2 regions
Pupils and students in all levels of education (ISCED 0-6) by NUTS 2 regions -
Day-to-day money market interest rates
Day-to-day money market interest rates -
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005) by age grou...
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005) by age group - EU-SILC survey -
Practising physicians
Practising physicians -
Final energy consumption by sector
Final energy consumption by sector -
Primary energy consumption
Primary energy consumption -
Producer price indices, crop products
Producer price indices, crop products -
Number of bed-places by coastal and non coastal area (from 2012 onwards)
Number of bed-places by coastal and non coastal area (from 2012 onwards) -
Expenditure on pensions
Expenditure on pensions -
Net lending (+) /net borrowing (-), by sub-sector - current prices, million u...
Net lending (+) /net borrowing (-), by sub-sector - current prices, million units of national currency -
Final decisions on asylum applications - annual data
Final decisions on asylum applications - annual data -
Extra-EU 28 trade, by Member State, total product
Extra-EU 28 trade, by Member State, total product -
Production of milk on farms
Production of milk on farms -
Turnover in services by NACE Rev. 2 - Index (2015 = 100)
Turnover in services by NACE Rev. 2 - Index (2015 = 100) -
Final energy consumption in households
Final energy consumption in households -
Employment rate of the age group 20-64 by NUTS 2 regions
Employment rate of the age group 20-64 by NUTS 2 regions -
Employment rate of non-EU nationals, age group 20-64
Employment rate of non-EU nationals, age group 20-64 -
Retail trade deflated turnover - non food
Retail trade deflated turnover - non food -
Individuals regularly using the internet by NUTS 2 regions
Individuals regularly using the internet by NUTS 2 regions -
People killed in road accidents
People killed in road accidents -
Social protection receipts by type
Social protection receipts by type -
Real GDP per capita, growth rate and totals
Real GDP per capita, growth rate and totals -
Household saving rate
Household saving rate -
Employees with a flexible work schedule by sex
Employees with a flexible work schedule by sex -
Imports of goods - other manufactured products
Imports of goods - other manufactured products