Population 1999-2017 by country of birth, citizenship, year and sex
Population 1999-2017 by country of birth, citizenship, year and sex -
Migration 2003-2016 by type of migration, country, age group and year
Migration 2003-2016 by type of migration, country, age group and year -
Population 1999-2017 by municipality, village, year and place of birth
Population 1999-2017 by municipality, village, year and place of birth -
Population 1999-2017 by country of birth, language, year and sex
Population 1999-2017 by country of birth, language, year and sex -
Population by sex and area 31.12.2016 and increase of population
Population by sex and area 31.12.2016 and increase of population -
MT 1.1.3 Population by size of locality, age, sex and place of usual residence
MT 1.1.3 Population by size of locality, age, sex and place of usual residence -
025 -- Degree of urbanisation by area, 31 Dec 2015
025 -- Degree of urbanisation by area, 31 Dec 2015 -
005 -- Vital statistics by quarter in 1987 to 2018
005 -- Vital statistics by quarter in 1987 to 2018 -
Population by municipalities, sex and age 1 December 1996
Population by municipalities, sex and age 1 December 1996 -
Woman fertility by age group of mother, in territorial aspect, 2007-2017
Woman fertility by age group of mother, in territorial aspect, 2007-2017 -
Population by municipalities, sex and age 1 December 1992
Population by municipalities, sex and age 1 December 1992 -
Average age of the population 1975-2017 by year, municipality and sex
Average age of the population 1975-2017 by year, municipality and sex -
Population by municipalities, sex and age 1 December 1994
Population by municipalities, sex and age 1 December 1994 -
Preliminary population by sex and area 2017
Preliminary population by sex and area 2017 -
Population according to language and the number of foreigners and land area k...
Population according to language and the number of foreigners and land area km 2 by area 1980 - 2016 -
Population 1999-2017 by municipality, village, year and sex
Population 1999-2017 by municipality, village, year and sex -
Vital statistics rates, in territorial aspect, 2003-2017
Vital statistics rates, in territorial aspect, 2003-2017 -
Future population changes in Åland by year, component and scenario
Future population changes in Åland by year, component and scenario -
Population projection 2012-2040 by municipality, age, year and sex
Population projection 2012-2040 by municipality, age, year and sex -
Vital statistics and population 1749 - 2016, Whole country
Vital statistics and population 1749 - 2016, Whole country -
Live births 1991-2016 by sex, year, municipality and age of mother
Live births 1991-2016 by sex, year, municipality and age of mother -
Total population of Åland by Municipality, Year and Scenario
Total population of Åland by Municipality, Year and Scenario -
Custody of children after dissolution of consensual unions 1991-2011
Custody of children after dissolution of consensual unions 1991-2011 -
Population by age and dependency ratio 1951-2018
Population by age and dependency ratio 1951-2018 -
Population 31.12.2000-2017 by year, municipality and language
Population 31.12.2000-2017 by year, municipality and language -
IB 01060 Population by marital status, sex and age, 1 th January (1985-2018)
IB 01060 Population by marital status, sex and age, 1 th January (1985-2018) -
Population projection 2015 according to age and sex 2015 - 2065, whole country
Population projection 2015 according to age and sex 2015 - 2065, whole country -
Population by municipalities 1 December 1990-2004 - Final figures
Population by municipalities 1 December 1990-2004 - Final figures -
IB 01020 Changes in population by born, dead and migrated (1970-2017)
IB 01020 Changes in population by born, dead and migrated (1970-2017) -
General death rate and birth rate in 1751 to 2016, pro mil of mean population
General death rate and birth rate in 1751 to 2016, pro mil of mean population