Government consolidated gross debt by components - annual data
Government consolidated gross debt by components - annual data -
At-risk-of-poverty-rate, by highest level of education attained
At-risk-of-poverty-rate, by highest level of education attained -
Arrivals of residents/non-residents at tourist accommodation establishments
Arrivals of residents/non-residents at tourist accommodation establishments -
Oats and spring cereal mixtures by area, production and humidity
Oats and spring cereal mixtures by area, production and humidity -
Relative median poverty risk gap of elderly people - EU-SILC survey
Relative median poverty risk gap of elderly people - EU-SILC survey -
Direct investment inward stocks by main origin of investment
Direct investment inward stocks by main origin of investment -
Beneficiaries of labour market policy supports, by type of action (source: DG...
Beneficiaries of labour market policy supports, by type of action (source: DG EMPL) -
Urban population exposure to air pollution by particulate matter
Urban population exposure to air pollution by particulate matter -
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by NACE
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by NACE -
Net return on equity, after taxes, of non-financial corporations
Net return on equity, after taxes, of non-financial corporations -
Net Lending/Borrowing (current and capital account) - annual data
Net Lending/Borrowing (current and capital account) - annual data -
Housing cost overburden rate by degree of urbanisation - EU-SILC survey
Housing cost overburden rate by degree of urbanisation - EU-SILC survey -
Extra-EU imports by Member State, shares by invoicing currency
Extra-EU imports by Member State, shares by invoicing currency -
HICP - all items excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco
HICP - all items excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco -
At least upper secondary educational attainment, age group 20-24 by sex
At least upper secondary educational attainment, age group 20-24 by sex -
Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices - quarterly data
Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices - quarterly data -
Students in tertiary education (ISCED 5-6) by NUTS 2 regions
Students in tertiary education (ISCED 5-6) by NUTS 2 regions -
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - percentage change Q/Q-1
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - percentage change Q/Q-1 -
Housing cost overburden rate by age group - EU-SILC survey
Housing cost overburden rate by age group - EU-SILC survey -
Housing cost overburden rate by income quintile - EU-SILC survey
Housing cost overburden rate by income quintile - EU-SILC survey -
EU Imports from developing countries by group of products
EU Imports from developing countries by group of products -
Individuals who have carried out 5 or 6 of the computer related activities
Individuals who have carried out 5 or 6 of the computer related activities -
Share of total population considering their dwelling as too dark - EU-SILC su...
Share of total population considering their dwelling as too dark - EU-SILC survey -
Generation of hazardous waste by economic activity
Generation of hazardous waste by economic activity -
Persistent at-risk-of poverty rate by age group - EU-SILC survey
Persistent at-risk-of poverty rate by age group - EU-SILC survey -
Grain maize and corn-cob-mix by area, production and humidity
Grain maize and corn-cob-mix by area, production and humidity -
Total expenditure on social protection per head of population. ECU/EUR
Total expenditure on social protection per head of population. ECU/EUR -
Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services
Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services -
Relative median at-risk-of-poverty risk gap - EU-SILC survey
Relative median at-risk-of-poverty risk gap - EU-SILC survey -
Individuals using the internet for consulting wiki
Individuals using the internet for consulting wiki