Specialised somatic inpatient health care, periods of care for those aged 0-1...
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, periods of care for those aged 0-17 per 1000 persons of same age -
901 -- 1 a. Tulonsaajien luku, tulot (1000 euroa), vähennykset ja verot valti...
901 -- 1 a. Tulonsaajien luku, tulot (1000 euroa), vähennykset ja verot valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan 2010 -
IL/HY/CSC, kuukauden lämpotilatilastot, 1971-2000
IL/HY/CSC, kuukauden lämpotilatilastot, 1971-2000 -
Ehdotetut kaavat mal 2012 15
Ehdotetut kaavat mal 2012 15 -
Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, viherosat
Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, viherosat -
Vaestotietoruudukko 2017
Vaestotietoruudukko 2017 -
Vaestoruudukko 2016
Vaestoruudukko 2016 -
Ehdotetut asemakaavat 12 15
Ehdotetut asemakaavat 12 15 -
Hyvaksytyt asemakaavat 12 15
Hyvaksytyt asemakaavat 12 15 -
001 -- 1. Tulonsaajien luku, tulot (1000 euroa), vähennykset ja verot valtion...
001 -- 1. Tulonsaajien luku, tulot (1000 euroa), vähennykset ja verot valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan 2011 -
Involuntary referrals for observation in psychiatric inpatient care for those...
Involuntary referrals for observation in psychiatric inpatient care for those aged at least 65 years / 1000 persons of same age -
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 65-74 per...
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 65-74 per 1000 persons of same age -
Vaestotietoruudukko 2015
Vaestotietoruudukko 2015 -
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 18-64 per...
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 18-64 per 1000 persons of same age -
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 80-84 per...
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 80-84 per 1000 persons of same age -
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 75-79 per...
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 75-79 per 1000 persons of same age -
Supportive housing for people with intellectual disabilities, clients on 31 D...
Supportive housing for people with intellectual disabilities, clients on 31 Dec per 100 000 inhabitants -
Involuntary referrals for observation in psychiatric inpatient care for those...
Involuntary referrals for observation in psychiatric inpatient care for those aged at least 18 / 1000 persons of same age -
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 0-17 per ...
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 0-17 per 1000 persons of same age -
Postinumeroalueet 2015 shp
Postinumeroalueet 2015 shp -
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 0-74 per ...
Specialised somatic inpatient health care, care days for those aged 0-74 per 1000 persons of same age -
Väestö 2012 vuoden 2013 kuntajaolla - Population by municipality-based units
Väestö 2012 vuoden 2013 kuntajaolla - Population by municipality-based units -
Inpatient primary health care, periods of care for those aged 85 and over per...
Inpatient primary health care, periods of care for those aged 85 and over per 1000 persons of same age -
Seutu ramava kosa 2014
Seutu ramava kosa 2014 -
Inpatient primary health care, periods of care for those aged 75 and over per...
Inpatient primary health care, periods of care for those aged 75 and over per 1000 persons of same age -
Inpatient primary health care, care days for those aged 0 to 74 years per 100...
Inpatient primary health care, care days for those aged 0 to 74 years per 1000 persons of same age -
901 -- Statistics on quarterly rents since 2010
901 -- Statistics on quarterly rents since 2010 -
Väestö 2014 vuoden 2015 seutukuntajaolla - Population by municipality-based u...
Väestö 2014 vuoden 2015 seutukuntajaolla - Population by municipality-based units -
Väestö 2015 vuoden 2016 seutukuntajaolla - Population by municipality-based u...
Väestö 2015 vuoden 2016 seutukuntajaolla - Population by municipality-based units -
Väestö 2017 vuoden 2018 seutukuntajaolla - Population by municipality-based u...
Väestö 2017 vuoden 2018 seutukuntajaolla - Population by municipality-based units