Clinics Clients in Services Sold by the Municipality During Year Up to 2005
This dataset collection, sourced from the web site of Sotkanet in Finland, includes a table called 'Clinics Clients in Services Sold by the Municipality During Year Up to 2005'.... -
Clinics' Clients in Services Purchased From the State During Year up to 2005
The dataset collection consists of one table named 'Clinics' Clients in Services Purchased From the State During Year up to 2005'. The table is sourced from the web site of... -
Accidental Deaths Among Population Aged 20-34 per 100,000 Persons of Same Age...
The dataset collection includes a table named 'Accidental Deaths Among Population Aged 20-34 per 100,000 Persons of Same Age in Finland (Sotkanet Database)'. This dataset... -
Clinics' Clients in Services Purchased from Others during Year up to 2005
The dataset collection includes a table named 'Clinics' Clients in Services Purchased from Others during Year up to 2005'. This table is sourced from the website of 'Sotkanet'... -
Clinics Clients in Municipality's Own Services during Year up to 2005
The dataset collection contains information about Clinics Clients in Municipality's Own Services during Year up to 2005. The dataset table 'Clinics Clients in Municipality's Own... -
Number of Fattening Pigs by Size of Pig Herd on 1-4
This dataset collection contains information about the number of fattening pigs by the size of the pig herd on 1st of April. The tables in this collection are sourced from the... -
Number of Pigs by Municipality on 1/4 in Finland
This dataset collection contains information about the number of pigs in different municipalities in Finland. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources... -
Number of Organic Food Processing Enterprises in Finland
The dataset collection includes information about the number of organic food processing enterprises in Finland. It is sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources... -
Number of Pigs on 1/4 in Finland
This dataset collection, sourced from the web site of 'Luke' in Finland, contains information about the number of pigs on 1/4 of an acre. It consists of one or more dataset tables. -
Number of Organic Producers in Finland
This dataset collection contains information about the number of organic producers in Finland. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute... -
Open Field Production Dataset Collection
This dataset collection contains tables sourced from the web site of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, located in Finland. It consists of one or more tables related... -
Number of Threatened Species Dataset Collection
This dataset collection contains information about the number of threatened species in a country. The dataset tables are sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Number of Recreational Fishermen Data Collection
This dataset collection contains information about the number of recreational fishermen. The data is sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Collection of Organic Meat Production Data in Finland
This dataset collection contains information about organic meat production. The tables in this collection are sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute... -
Prices of Energywood Quarterly
The prices_of_energywood_quarterly dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Annual Energy Wood Prices in Finland
The prices_of_energywood_annually dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the Luke website in Finland. -
Number of Laying Hens and Broilers on Average by Ely Centre
This dataset collection contains information about the average number of laying hens and broilers in different Ely Centres. The data is sourced from the website of Luke (Natural... -
Outdoor Nursery and Cut Flower Cultivation Dataset Collection
The dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Processing of Manure on the Farm by Production Sector
This dataset collection contains information on the processing of manure on the farm by production sector. The tables in this collection are sourced from the website of Luke,... -
Ownership of Forestry Land (1000 ha) in Finland (Luke)
This dataset collection contains information about the ownership of forestry land in Finland. The tables in this collection are sourced from the website of the Natural Resources... -
Organic Production of the Main Crops by Ely Centre
This dataset collection contains information about the organic production of the main crops in the ELY Centre. It includes one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of... -
Processing of Manure on the Farm by Region
This dataset collection contains information about the processing of manure on the farm by region. It consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Luke... -
Organic Production of the Main Crops in Finland by Luke
This dataset collection contains information about organic production of the main crops in Finland. The data tables in this collection are sourced from the website of Luke, the... -
Prevalence of Back and Joint Problems in Adults aged 25-64 as a Percentage of...
This dataset collection contains information about the prevalence of back and joint problems among adults aged 25-64 in Finland up to the year 2014. The dataset table included... -
Total Roundwood Removals by Regional Unit in Finland
This dataset collection includes one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
The Origin of Water Used for Irrigation by Region
This dataset collection provides information on the origin of water used for irrigation by region. The collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website... -
Finnish Fry Production Value (excluding newly hatched larvae)
This dataset collection contains information about the value of fry production excluding newly hatched larvae, sourced from the 'Luke' website in Finland. -
Total Milk Production in million liters
This dataset collection contains data on the total milk production in million liters. The data is sourced from the website of Luke (Natural Resources Institute Finland) in Finland. -
Total Drain by Forest Ownership Category and Region (Maakunta) in Finland
This dataset collection contains tables sourced from the web site of Luke (Natural Resources Institute Finland) in Finland. It provides information on total drain categorized by... -
Total Roundwood Removals by Forest Ownership Category and Region (Maakunta) D...
This dataset collection contains tables sourced from the web site of Luke (Natural Resources Institute Finland) in Finland. It provides information on total roundwood removals...