Polygonal Geographical Data with Aerial Photography and Geometric Characteristics

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The table under discussion is a comprehensive collection of geographic data, organized in a structured row-column format. It belongs to a larger dataset of geographic information, with each table in the collection focusing on a particular aspect of the data. This table primarily deals with polygons, which are part of geographic features that can be represented as points, lines, or polygons (areas).

Each row in the table is unique and is identified by a combination of the extraction date and the row number from the original data source. The extraction date indicates the specific date when the data on a particular row was extracted, while the row number gives the position of the row in the data extracted.

The table contains a variety of columns that house different types of data. Some columns store the geometric location and attribute information of geographic features, which have been transformed from the original shapefile format to a more final geographic format. Other columns contain additional information that further describes the data in the rows.

This table's data is sourced from the 'Lantmäteriet' website, which is based in Sweden. The geographic information in this dataset has undergone transformations to be presented in its final format.

In terms of data analytics, this table offers a wealth of opportunities. For instance, the polygon data could be used to perform spatial analysis, helping to study and understand the patterns and relationships of geographic phenomena. The unique identifiers of each row (extraction date and row number) could assist in tracking changes over time, providing valuable insights into temporal trends. Furthermore, the various other descriptive columns could be used to conduct detailed data mining, revealing hidden patterns and correlations within the data.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThis column contains the date on which the data was extracted from the source. It is a part of a unique identifier for each row when combined with the '_row_number' column.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date. It is used in combination with the '_extract_date' column to uniquely identify each row.
idlongThis column contains the unique identifier for each entry in the table.
blockstringThis column contains block information for each entry.
flygfoto_ostringThis column contains information about the aerial photo orientation.
flygfoto_alongThis column contains information about the aerial photo angle.
upplosningdoubleThis column contains information about the resolution of each entry.
arealongThis column contains information about the area of each entry.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains the geometric structure of each entry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThis column contains the textual description of the geometric structure for each entry.
geom_typestringThis column contains information about the type of geometry for each entry.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains information about the centroid of the geometric structure for each entry.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column contains the x-coordinate of the geometric center for each entry.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column contains the y-coordinate of the geometric center for each entry.

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Additional Information

Last updated August 26, 2024
Created August 26, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-08-26
Package idfb01266f-e918-49a0-8265-e32f4f0d1113
Revision idb93c1103-3afc-4cb1-9076-049415850d88