Version History of Index Routes in SWEREF99 18 45 Coordinate System

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The 'indexrutor_sweref_18_45__history' table is a historical archive, recording the version history of its base table rows. This table is part of the 'indexrutor_sweref99_18_45' dataset collection. The table hosts a variety of information, including key identifiers, the row extraction dates, and geographic data transformed from the shapefile format. Two unique identifiers define each row: the extraction date and the row number from the original data source. When a row is updated, the table logs the date of this new extraction, allowing for tracking of changes over time. If a row's end date is null, it signifies that the row is the current version. The geographical details in the dataset have been converted from the simple, non-topological shapefile format, which can represent geographical features as points, lines or polygons. This table is sourced from the website of 'Lantmäteriet' (The National Land Survey) in Sweden.

Data from this table can be used in various data analysis scenarios. For example, analysts can track changes in geographical features over time by looking at the update dates. The geographic data can also be used in spatial analytics to identify patterns or trends. Furthermore, the version history could assist in maintaining the quality of the data by identifying and correcting erroneous updates.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThis column indicates the date when the row was extracted from the data source. This, in combination with the '_row_number', uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
_end_datedateThis column records the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the source. If the value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the number of the row as it appeared in the raw data extracted from the data source. It forms part of the unique identifier for each row in conjunction with '_start_date'.
INDEXRUTAstringThis column is part of the original base table and its contents are sourced from the data source.
geom_geojsonstringThis column is part of the original base table and its contents are sourced from the data source.
geom_geotextstringThis column is part of the original base table and its contents are sourced from the data source.
geom_typestringThis column is part of the original base table and its contents are sourced from the data source.
geom_centroidstringThis column is part of the original base table and its contents are sourced from the data source.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column is part of the original base table and its contents are sourced from the data source.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column is part of the original base table and its contents are sourced from the data source.

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Additional Information

Last updated August 27, 2024
Created August 27, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-08-26
Package ida16c9008-1c2b-476b-8674-f2a67243611a
Revision iddaa803f4-4acf-47a6-894a-f28e980c4942