History of AVI Areas 2024 Version Control (1:4 500 000)
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The 'table__history' belongs to the dataset collection 'tilastointialueet_avi4500k_2024'. This table is a history table, known for storing the version history of its base table rows. The base table contents, as described by the data source, 'Tilastokeskus' (Statistics Finland), are 'AVI-alueet 2024 (1:4 500 000)', which translates to AVI areas 2024 at the scale of 1:4,500,000. The table provides a temporal snapshot of the data, with special columns like 'start_date' and '_end_date' indicating the period during which a particular version of a row was active. For instance, if '_end_date' is null, it signifies that the version of the row is the most current. Another crucial column, '_row_number', represents the row number in the raw data. The combination of '_start_date' and '_row_number' uniquely identifies each row in this table. The table also includes geographical data in columns whose names commence with 'geom', which are useful for geospatial data analytics. These geographic coordinates are presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, which orders the axis with longitude first, followed by latitude. The table data can be utilized in a variety of data analytics scenarios. For example, it could be used to analyze how the AVI areas have evolved over time or to perform geospatial analysis of these areas. The data could also be beneficial in trend analysis or predictive modeling by providing historical context to the current data.
Field Descriptions
Name |
Data type |
Description |
_start_date | date | The date when the row was extracted from the data source. This column, combined with '_row_number', uniquely identifies each row in this version history table. |
_end_date | date | The date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If this column's value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version. |
_row_number | long | The number of the row as it appears in the raw data extracted from the data source. This column, combined with '_start_date', uniquely identifies each row in this version history table. |
avi | string | A string type field in the dataset, likely representing some form of category or identifier. |
geom_geojson | string | This column contains geometry data in GeoJSON format, a standard format for encoding geographical features. |
geom_geotext | string | This column contains geometry data as text, likely in a format such as WKT (Well-Known Text). |
geom_type | string | This column specifies the type of the geometry data, which can be either 'ST_MULTIPOLYGON' or 'ST_POLYGON'. |
geom_centroid | string | This column contains the centroid (geometric center) of the geometry data. |
geom_center_x | double | This column contains the X coordinate of the center of the geometry data. |
geom_center_y | double | This column contains the Y coordinate of the center of the geometry data. |
gml_id | string | A String type field representing a unique identifier in the dataset. |
id | long | An Integer type field representing a unique identifier in the dataset. |
name | string | A String type field representing the name of the entity in English. For example, it could be the name of a geographical region or administrative unit. |
namn | string | A String type field representing the name of the entity in Swedish. For example, it could be the name of a geographical region or administrative unit. |
nimi | string | A String type field representing the name of the entity in Finnish. For example, it could be the name of a geographical region or administrative unit. |
vuosi | long | An Integer type field representing the year associated with the row. For example, it could be the year of data collection or the year to which the data pertains. |