Historical Versioning of AVI Regions (1:1 000 000)

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The 'table__history' is a historical record of the AVI areas (1:1 000 000) table, providing a chronological view of the data changes. The table is part of the 'tilastointialueet_avi1000k' dataset collection, which is sourced from the 'Tilastokeskus' website in Finland. It is a valuable resource for understanding the evolution of AVI areas over time.

The table consists of several columns that contain a variety of data types. It presents geographic data, which is particularly useful for geospatial analytics. The geographic data, represented in columns starting with 'geom_', uses the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with the axis order being longitude first, followed by latitude. This geographic information includes the type, the GeoJSON and geotext representations, the centroid, and the center coordinates in both x (longitude) and y (latitude) format.

In addition to the geographic data, the table includes columns for the AVI area identification and names. These are presented in several languages, reflecting the multilingual nature of Finland. There is also a column for the year, indicating the timeframe of each data entry.

Unique to this history table are two additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date', which provide a timestamp for each change in the data. The '_end_date' being null indicates that the version is the most current. Together with the '_row_number', which denotes the sequence of extraction from the source, these columns form a unique identifier for each row.

Examples of data analytics that could be performed on this table include tracking changes in AVI areas over time, analyzing spatial distribution and trends, or cross-referencing with other datasets to provide rich, multilayered insights.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThis column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It forms a combination with '_row_number' to uniquely identify each row in this version history table.
_end_datedateThis column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If its value is null, that indicates the row is the most recent version.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It is part of the unique identifier of each row in combination with '_start_date'.
avistringThis string type column is sourced from the base table.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains geospatial data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThis column contains geospatial data in text format.
geom_typestringThis column describes the type of the geospatial data.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains the centroid of the geospatial data.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column contains the x-coordinate of the geospatial data center.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column contains the y-coordinate of the geospatial data center.
gml_idstringThis string type column is sourced from the base table.
idlongThis integer type column is sourced from the base table.
namestringThis string type column is sourced from the base table.
namnstringThis string type column is sourced from the base table.
nimistringThis string type column is sourced from the base table.
vuosilongThis integer type column is sourced from the base table.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 8, 2024
Created November 8, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package id8af66a40-a2c1-4804-bb37-07d00853c90e
Revision iddf26e5bf-a8c7-4300-ab41-12663a676b52