2012 Road Traffic Accidents History in Finland

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The 'History' table is an integral part of the 'Road Traffic 2012' dataset collection. It is a rich resource that contains the version history of base table rows, tracing changes over time. The table includes critical information about road traffic accidents in 2012, making it an essential tool for analyzing traffic safety patterns in Finland, sourced from 'Tilastokeskus' (Statistics Finland).

The table is composed of numerous columns, each providing specific details about each recorded accident. For instance, it contains information such as the time of the accident, the number of involved road users, and the severity of the accident. Furthermore, it includes columns starting with 'geom_' that contain geographic information, enabling geospatial data analytics. This geographic information is presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with the axis order being longitude first, followed by latitude.

Three particular columns serve a special purpose: '_start_date', '_end_date', and '_row_number'. The '_start_date' column contains the date when a row was extracted from the data source, while the '_end_date' column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the '_end_date' column shows a null value, it signifies that the row is the most recent version. The '_row_number' column, on the other hand, contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. Together, '_start_date' and '_row_number' form a unique identifier for each row in this version history table.

Given its rich and detailed content, the 'History' table can be utilized in various ways in data analytics. For instance, it can support traffic safety studies by identifying patterns and trends in accidents, such as peak times for accidents or high-risk locations. It could also be used in predictive modeling to forecast future traffic safety issues based on historical data. Moreover, the geospatial data could be used in GIS applications to visually represent accident locations and facilitate spatial analysis. This could support urban planning efforts, infrastructure development, and policy-making aimed at enhancing road safety.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThis column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. The dates are formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
_end_datedateThis column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value of this column is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. Together with '_start_date', it forms a unique identifier for each row in this version history table.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains geographic data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThis column contains geographic data in text format.
geom_typestringThis column specifies the type of the geographic data.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains the centroid of the geographic data.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column contains the x-coordinate of the geographic data center.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column contains the y-coordinate of the geographic data center.
gml_idstringThis column contains the unique identifier for each row.
kellostringThis column contains the time of the event. The time is formatted as 'HH.MM - HH.MM'.
kkonnlongThis column contains integer values.
lkmhapalongThis column contains integer values.
lkmjklongThis column contains integer values.
lkmlakalongThis column contains integer values.
lkmmolongThis column contains integer values.
lkmmplongThis column contains integer values.
lkmmuukulklongThis column contains integer values.
lkmpplongThis column contains integer values.
onntyyppistringThis column contains integer values.
vakavstringThis column contains integer values.
vvonnstringThis column contains the year of the event. The year is formatted as 'YYYY'.
xdoubleThis column contains real number values representing geographic coordinates.
ydoubleThis column contains real number values representing geographic coordinates.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package id461aa410-5b72-426c-8c92-ab99cf21b8a0
Revision id07e45301-9dfb-45a1-a309-6ec167caa8af