Historical Versioning of Paavo Statistical Data and Postal Code Areas 2024

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The 'History' table is a rich, multi-faceted dataset sourced from the Finnish Statistics Bureau ('Tilastokeskus'), providing a detailed snapshot of demographic and geographic data projected for the year 2024. It offers a comprehensive array of demographic data, including population demographics, income levels, educational attainment, and employment status, among other factors. The data is organized by postal code areas, offering granular insight into various regions.

The table also provides geographic data which can be useful for geospatial data analytics. This geographic information is presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with longitude preceding latitude. This can enable detailed spatial analysis and mapping, allowing for regional comparisons and trend identification.

The uniqueness of each row in the table is determined by a combination of the '_start_date' and '_row_number'. '_start_date' indicates the extraction date of the data, while '_row_number' identifies the sequence of the row in the raw data. The table also includes a '_end_date' column, recording the date when a new version of a row was added. If the '_end_date' value is null, it signifies that the row is the most recent version.

In terms of analytics, this table could be leveraged in numerous ways. For instance, demographic data could be used to identify population trends, support urban planning, or inform targeted marketing efforts. Geographic data could be used to visualize these trends spatially, or to support geographically-informed decision-making.

The table is a part of a larger dataset collection, reflecting its role in providing comprehensive, nuanced insights into the population and geography of Finland.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThis is the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It is part of the combination that uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
_end_datedateThis is the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value of this column is null, it means that the row is the most recent version of the row.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. Together with '_start_date', it forms a combination that uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
euref_xlongThis is a column of type Integer64 that has not been described by the source.
euref_ylongThis is a column of type Integer64 that has not been described by the source.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains the geometric data of the area in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThis column contains the geometric data of the area in text format.
geom_typestringThis column contains the type of geometric data stored in the 'geom_geojson' and 'geom_geotext' columns.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains the geometric centroid of the area.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the area.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the area.
gml_idstringThis is a String type column that has not been described by the source.
he_0_2longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_13_15longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_16_17longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_18_19longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_20_24longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_25_29longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_30_34longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_35_39longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_3_6longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_40_44longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_45_49longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_50_54longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_55_59longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_60_64longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_65_69longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_70_74longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_75_79longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_7_12longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_80_84longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_85_longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_kikalongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_miehetlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_naisetlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
he_vakiylongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
hr_hy_tullongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
hr_ke_tullongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
hr_ktulongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
hr_mtulongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
hr_ovylongThis is a column of type Integer64 that has not been described by the source.
hr_pi_tullongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
hr_tuylongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ko_al_korklongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ko_ammatlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ko_ika18ylongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ko_koullongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ko_peruslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ko_yl_korklongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ko_ylioplongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
kuntastringThis is a String type column that has not been described by the source.
namnstringThis is a String type column that has not been described by the source.
nimistringThis is a String type column that has not been described by the source.
pinta_alalongThis is a column of type Integer64 that has not been described by the source.
postinumeroaluestringThis is a String type column that has not been described by the source.
pt_0_14longThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
pt_elakellongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
pt_muutlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
pt_opisklongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
pt_tyolllongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
pt_tyottlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
pt_vakiylongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_as_kpadoubleThis is a Real type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_asraklongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_asunnlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_kelongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_kt_aslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_muu_aslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_muutlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_pt_aslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
ra_rakylongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_aiklongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_aklaplongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_as_valjdoubleThis is a Real type column that has not been described by the source.
te_eil_nplongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_elaklongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_klaplongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_lapslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_muu_aslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_nuorlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_omis_aslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_plaplongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_takkdoubleThis is a Real type column that has not been described by the source.
te_talylongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_teinilongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_vuok_aslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_yhlaplongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
te_ykslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_a_maatlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_alku_alongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_b_kaivlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_c_teollongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_d_enerlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_e_vesilongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_f_rakelongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_g_kauplongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_h_kuljlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_i_majolongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_j_infolongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_jalo_bflongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_k_raholongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_l_kiinlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_m_eriklongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_n_halllongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_o_julklongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_p_koullongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_palv_gulongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_q_tervlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_r_taidlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_s_muuplongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_t_kotilongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_tyopylongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_u_kanslongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tp_x_tuntlongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tr_hy_tullongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tr_ke_tullongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tr_ktulongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tr_kutylongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tr_mtulongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
tr_ovylongThis is a column of type Integer64 that has not been described by the source.
tr_pi_tullongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.
vuosilongThis is an Integer type column that has not been described by the source.

No sample for this dataset

Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package idfb3a21b1-1057-479b-badc-c770c5afcb57
Revision id36c37cd8-4010-47aa-976c-9be5f2254958