2018 Statistics and Postal Area Data in Finland

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The table is part of a dataset collection that encapsulates data related to postal area statistics for the year 2018, sourced from the Finnish official statistics provider, 'Tilastokeskus' (Statistics Finland). The data table includes a wealth of information that can be utilized for various analytical purposes. It presents a wide range of demographic, socio-economic, and geographic data by postal area in Finland. Key parameters include population distribution by age, gender, education level, occupational category, income levels, and housing conditions, among others. Additionally, the table contains data on employment sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, retail, etc. Geographic information is represented in a number of columns, providing a rich resource for geospatial data analytics. These columns present geographic coordinates using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with axis order longitude first, followed by latitude. Two special columns, '_extract_date' and '_row_number', provide context on when the data was extracted and the order of data extraction, respectively. These columns uniquely identify each row in the table. The dataset can be utilized in various ways. For instance, it can be used to analyze the socio-economic structure of different postal areas, assess regional disparities in income and employment sectors, perform geospatial analyses to understand geographic patterns in the data, or predict future trends based on historical data.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThis column contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the column '_extract_date'.
euref_xdoubleThis column contains the X-coordinate in the EUREF-FIN coordinate system.
euref_ydoubleThis column contains the Y-coordinate in the EUREF-FIN coordinate system.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains the geometric information of the area in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThis column contains the geometric information of the area in text format.
geom_typestringThis column contains the type of the geometric object.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains the geometric center point of the area.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column contains the X-coordinate of the geometric center point of the area.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column contains the Y-coordinate of the geometric center point of the area.
gml_idstringThis column contains the unique identifier in the GML format.
he_0_2longThis column contains the number of people aged 0-2.
he_13_15longThis column contains the number of people aged 13-15.
he_16_17longThis column contains the number of people aged 16-17.
he_18_19longThis column contains the number of people aged 18-19.
he_20_24longThis column contains the number of people aged 20-24.
he_25_29longThis column contains the number of people aged 25-29.
he_30_34longThis column contains the number of people aged 30-34.
he_35_39longThis column contains the number of people aged 35-39.
he_3_6longThis column contains the number of people aged 3-6.
he_40_44longThis column contains the number of people aged 40-44.
he_45_49longThis column contains the number of people aged 45-49.
he_50_54longThis column contains the number of people aged 50-54.
he_55_59longThis column contains the number of people aged 55-59.
he_60_64longThis column contains the number of people aged 60-64.
he_65_69longThis column contains the number of people aged 65-69.
he_70_74longThis column contains the number of people aged 70-74.
he_75_79longThis column contains the number of people aged 75-79.
he_7_12longThis column contains the number of people aged 7-12.
he_80_84longThis column contains the number of people aged 80-84.
he_85_longThis column contains the number of people aged 85 and over.
he_kikalongThis column contains the number of people in other age groups.
he_miehetlongThis column contains the number of males.
he_naisetlongThis column contains the number of females.
he_vakiylongThis column contains the total number of permanent residents.
hr_hy_tullongThis column contains the number of households with high income.
hr_ke_tullongThis column contains the number of households with average income.
hr_ktudoubleThis column contains the average gross income of households.
hr_mtudoubleThis column contains the median gross income of households.
hr_ovydoubleThis column contains the total income of households.
hr_pi_tullongThis column contains the number of households with low income.
hr_tuylongThis column contains the total number of households.
ko_al_korklongThis column contains the number of people with a low level of education.
ko_ammatlongThis column contains the number of people with vocational education.
ko_ika18ylongThis column contains the number of people aged 18 and over.
ko_koullongThis column contains the number of people with a secondary education.
ko_peruslongThis column contains the number of people with primary education.
ko_yl_korkdoubleThis column contains the number of people with a high level of education.
ko_ylioplongThis column contains the number of people with a university degree.
kuntastringThis column contains the municipality code.
namnstringThis column contains the name of the area in Swedish.
nimistringThis column contains the name of the area in Finnish.
objectidlongThis column contains the unique identifier of the object.
pinta_aladoubleThis column contains the surface area of the object.
posti_aluestringThis column contains the postal code of the area.
pt_0_14longThis column contains the number of people aged 0-14.
pt_elakellongThis column contains the number of retirees.
pt_muutlongThis column contains the number of other people.
pt_opisklongThis column contains the number of students.
pt_tyolllongThis column contains the number of employed people.
pt_tyottlongThis column contains the number of unemployed people.
pt_tyovulongThis column contains the number of people in the working age.
pt_tyovylongThis column contains the number of people in the labor force.
pt_vakiydoubleThis column contains the total number of permanent residents.
ra_as_kpadoubleThis column contains the average size of dwellings.
ra_asraklongThis column contains the number of residential buildings.
ra_asunnlongThis column contains the number of dwellings.
ra_kelongThis column contains the number of other buildings.
ra_kt_aslongThis column contains the number of terraced houses.
ra_muutlongThis column contains the number of other buildings.
ra_pt_aslongThis column contains the number of detached houses.
ra_rakylongThis column contains the number of buildings.
te_aiklongThis column contains the number of adults.
te_aklaplongThis column contains the number of adults living alone.
te_as_valjdoubleThis column contains the percentage of dwellings vacant.
te_eil_nplongThis column contains the number of non-family households.
te_elakdoubleThis column contains the number of retirees.
te_klaplongThis column contains the number of couples without children.
te_lapslongThis column contains the number of children.
te_muu_aslongThis column contains the number of people living in other types of households.
te_nuorlongThis column contains the number of young people.
te_omis_aslongThis column contains the number of owner-occupied dwellings.
te_plaplongThis column contains the number of single parents.
te_takkdoubleThis column contains the average size of households.
te_talylongThis column contains the total number of families.
te_teinilongThis column contains the number of teenagers.
te_vuok_aslongThis column contains the number of rented dwellings.
tp_a_maatlongThis column contains the number of people working in agriculture, forestry and fishing.
tp_alku_alongThis column contains the number of people working in primary industries.
tp_b_kaivlongThis column contains the number of people working in mining and quarrying.
tp_c_teollongThis column contains the number of people working in manufacturing.
tp_d_enerlongThis column contains the number of people working in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply.
tp_e_vesilongThis column contains the number of people working in water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities.
tp_f_rakelongThis column contains the number of people working in construction.
tp_g_kauplongThis column contains the number of people working in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
tp_h_kuljlongThis column contains the number of people working in transportation and storage.
tp_i_majolongThis column contains the number of people working in accommodation and food service activities.
tp_j_infolongThis column contains the number of people working in information and communication.
tp_jalo_bflongThis column contains the number of people working in other service activities.
tp_k_raholongThis column contains the number of people working in financial and insurance activities.
tp_l_kiinlongThis column contains the number of people working in real estate activities.
tp_m_eriklongThis column contains the number of people working in professional, scientific and technical activities.
tp_n_halllongThis column contains the number of people working in administrative and support service activities.
tp_o_julklongThis column contains the number of people working in public administration and defense, compulsory social security.
tp_p_koullongThis column contains the number of people working in education.
tp_palv_gulongThis column contains the number of people working in other service activities.
tp_q_tervlongThis column contains the number of people working in human health and social work activities.
tp_r_taidlongThis column contains the number of people working in arts, entertainment and recreation.
tp_s_muuplongThis column contains the number of people working in other service activities.
tp_t_kotilongThis column contains the number of people working in activities of households as employers, undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use.
tp_tyopylongThis column contains the total number of jobs.
tp_u_kanslongThis column contains the number of people working in activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies.
tp_x_tuntlongThis column contains the number of people working in industries not elsewhere specified.
tr_hy_tullongThis column contains the number of taxpayers with high income.
tr_ke_tullongThis column contains the number of taxpayers with average income.
tr_ktudoubleThis column contains the average gross income of taxpayers.
tr_kutylongThis column contains the total number of taxpayers.
tr_mtudoubleThis column contains the median gross income of taxpayers.
tr_ovydoubleThis column contains the total income of taxpayers.
tr_pi_tullongThis column contains the number of taxpayers with low income.
vuosilongThis column contains the year of the data.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package id92d0fe7e-b1a0-458a-ad8d-c5642db50681
Revision id8eaa33d4-606f-47bf-af40-37a13ff6b9d7