Statistics and Postal Code Areas 2016 Dataset Table

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This table, sourced from the Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus) website, is part of the 'postialue_pno_tilasto_2016' dataset collection. It contains statistical data along with geographic information related to Finland for the year 2016. The data in this table is organized into numerous columns, each representing specific attributes such as demographic details according to age groups, geographic coordinates, area names in different languages, area size, postal codes, and various socioeconomic indicators among others. The geographic data is presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, making it particularly useful for geospatial data analytics. The table also includes two special columns: '_extract_date', which records the date of data extraction from the source, and '_row_number', which provides a unique identifier for each row of data in combination with the '_extract_date'. The comprehensive nature of the data contained in this table makes it a valuable resource for a wide range of data analytics applications. For instance, it could be used for demographic studies, urban planning, socio-economic research, and geospatial analysis. By examining patterns and trends in this data, insights could be gained into the population distribution, economic conditions, and other socio-demographic characteristics across different regions of Finland.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThis column contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the column '_extract_date'.
euref_xdoubleThis column represents a numerical value indicating the x-coordinate in the EUREF coordinate system.
euref_ydoubleThis column represents a numerical value indicating the y-coordinate in the EUREF coordinate system.
geom_geojsonstringThis column contains GEOJSON formatted data representing the geographical shape of the area.
geom_geotextstringGeographical data in text format, describing the multi-polygonal shape of the area.
geom_typestringThis column describes the type of geometric shape represented in the 'geom_geojson' column.
geom_centroidstringThis column contains the geographical point information that represents the geometric center of the area.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column represents the x-coordinate of the geometric center of the area.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column represents the y-coordinate of the geometric center of the area.
gml_idstringThis column contains a unique identifier for the row in the 'postialue_pno_tilasto_2016' dataset.
he_0_2doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 0-2 in the area.
he_13_15doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 13-15 in the area.
he_16_17doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 16-17 in the area.
he_18_19doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 18-19 in the area.
he_20_24doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 20-24 in the area.
he_25_29doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 25-29 in the area.
he_30_34doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 30-34 in the area.
he_35_39doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 35-39 in the area.
he_3_6doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 3-6 in the area.
he_40_44doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 40-44 in the area.
he_45_49doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 45-49 in the area.
he_50_54doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 50-54 in the area.
he_55_59doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 55-59 in the area.
he_60_64doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 60-64 in the area.
he_65_69doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 65-69 in the area.
he_70_74doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 70-74 in the area.
he_75_79doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 75-79 in the area.
he_7_12doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 7-12 in the area.
he_80_84doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 80-84 in the area.
he_85_doubleThis column represents the number of people aged 85 and above in the area.
he_kikadoubleThis column represents the number of households in the area.
he_miehetdoubleThis column represents the number of males in the area.
he_naisetdoubleThis column represents the number of females in the area.
he_vakiydoubleThis column represents the total number of residents in the area.
hr_hy_tuldoubleThis column represents the number of high income households in the area.
hr_ke_tuldoubleThis column represents the number of medium income households in the area.
hr_ktudoubleThis column represents the average income of the residents in the area.
hr_mtudoubleThis column represents the median income of the residents in the area.
hr_ovydoubleThis column represents the total income of the residents in the area.
hr_pi_tuldoubleThis column represents the number of low income households in the area.
hr_tuydoubleThis column represents the number of income recipients in the area.
ko_al_korkdoubleThis column represents the number of residents with lower secondary education.
ko_ammatdoubleThis column represents the number of residents with vocational education.
ko_ika18ydoubleThis column represents the number of residents aged 18 and above.
ko_kouldoubleThis column represents the number of residents with upper secondary education.
ko_perusdoubleThis column represents the number of residents with basic education.
ko_yl_korkdoubleThis column represents the number of residents with lower tertiary (bachelor level) education.
ko_yliopdoubleThis column represents the number of residents with higher tertiary (master/doctorate level) education.
kuntastringThis column represents the municipal code of the area.
namnstringThis column contains the name of the area in Swedish.
nimistringThis column contains the name of the area in Finnish.
pinta_aladoubleThis column represents the total area of the region in square meters.
posti_aluestringThis column contains the postal code of the area.
pt_0_14doubleThis column represents the number of 0-14 year old in the population.
pt_elakeldoubleThis column represents the number of pensioners in the population.
pt_muutdoubleThis column represents the number of others (not classified elsewhere) in the population.
pt_opiskdoubleThis column represents the number of students in the population.
pt_tyolldoubleThis column represents the number of employed individuals in the population.
pt_tyottdoubleThis column represents the number of unemployed individuals in the population.
pt_tyovudoubleThis column represents the number of individuals in the working-age population.
pt_tyovydoubleThis column represents the number of individuals in the active working-age population.
pt_vakiydoubleThis column represents the total population.
ra_as_kpadoubleThis column represents the average size of the dwellings in the area.
ra_asrakdoubleThis column represents the number of dwellings in the area.
ra_asunndoubleThis column represents the total number of dwellings in the area.
ra_kedoubleThis column represents the number of buildings in the area.
ra_kt_asdoubleThis column represents the total number of buildings with dwellings in the area.
ra_muutdoubleThis column represents the number of other buildings in the area.
ra_pt_asdoubleThis column represents the total number of free-time dwellings in the area.
ra_rakydoubleThis column represents the total number of buildings built in the area.
te_aikdoubleThis column represents the number of adults (over 18 years old) in the population.
te_aklapdoubleThis column represents the number of adults living alone in the population.
te_as_valjdoubleThis column represents the percentage of dwellings that are vacant.
te_eil_npdoubleThis column represents the number of single parents in the population.
te_elakdoubleThis column represents the number of pensioners in the population.
te_klapdoubleThis column represents the number of families with children in the population.
te_lapsdoubleThis column represents the number of children in the population.
te_muu_asdoubleThis column represents the number of other dwellings in the population.
te_nuordoubleThis column represents the number of young people (under 18 years old) in the population.
te_omis_asdoubleThis column represents the number of owner-occupied dwellings in the population.
te_plapdoubleThis column represents the number of families with only one child in the population.
te_takkdoubleThis column represents the average size of the households in the population.
te_talydoubleThis column represents the total number of households in the population.
te_teinidoubleThis column represents the number of teenagers in the population.
te_vuok_asdoubleThis column represents the number of rented dwellings in the population.
tp_a_maatdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Agriculture, forestry and fishing' sector.
tp_alku_adoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Primary production' sector.
tp_b_kaivdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Mining' sector.
tp_c_teoldoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Manufacturing' sector.
tp_d_enerdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Energy' sector.
tp_e_vesidoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Water supply' sector.
tp_f_rakedoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Construction' sector.
tp_g_kaupdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Trade' sector.
tp_h_kuljdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Transport' sector.
tp_i_majodoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Accommodation and food service activities' sector.
tp_j_infodoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Information and communication' sector.
tp_jalo_bfdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Secondary production' sector.
tp_k_rahodoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Financial and insurance activities' sector.
tp_l_kiindoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Real estate activities' sector.
tp_m_erikdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Professional, scientific and technical activities' sector.
tp_n_halldoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Administrative and support service activities' sector.
tp_o_julkdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Public administration and defence; compulsory social security' sector.
tp_p_kouldoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Education' sector.
tp_palv_gudoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Service industry' sector.
tp_q_tervdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Human health and social work activities' sector.
tp_r_taiddoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Arts, entertainment and recreation' sector.
tp_s_muupdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Other service activities' sector.
tp_t_kotidoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods - and services - producing activities of households for own use' sector.
tp_tyopydoubleThis column represents the total number of working people in the population.
tp_u_kansdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies' sector.
tp_x_tuntdoubleThis column represents the number of people employed in the 'Not known or not stated' sector.
tr_hy_tuldoubleThis column represents the number of high income tax recipients in the area.
tr_ke_tuldoubleThis column represents the number of medium income tax recipients in the area.
tr_ktudoubleThis column represents the average income of the tax recipients in the area.
tr_kutydoubleThis column represents the median income of the tax recipients in the area.
tr_mtudoubleThis column represents the median income of the tax recipients in the area.
tr_ovydoubleThis column represents the total income from the tax recipients in the area.
tr_pi_tuldoubleThis column represents the number of low income tax recipients in the area.
vuosidoubleThis column represents the year the data was collected.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package idccc18d3d-1016-4608-aff6-666526bd8824
Revision id5c41d21e-866e-4dc7-ba15-ee18035942fd