2019 Paavo Postal Areas Extending to Marine Regions Data Table

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The table is a detailed compilation of geo-related data extending to sea areas for the year 2019. It forms a part of a comprehensive dataset that hosts a variety of tables with similar data. The data in this table was sourced from the Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus) website, based in Finland. The table is composed of several columns, each hosting unique data that plays an important role in data analytics.

For instance, two special columns, one containing the date of data extraction and the other hosting the row number from the extracted data, together form a unique identifier for each row. This ensures that each data entry can be traced back to its source extraction date, and its position in that extraction.

The table also contains numerous columns with geographic data that can be used for geospatial data analytics. These columns contain various types of geographical information such as geographical text, geographical JSON, and centroid points. The geographical coordinates in these columns are presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with the axis order being longitude first, followed by latitude.

The data in this table could be used in a variety of ways in data analytics. For example, the geographical data could be used to create detailed maps of specific areas. Analysts could also track changes over time by comparing the data extraction dates. Additionally, the unique identifiers could be used to precisely track specific data points across multiple tables in the dataset. Overall, this table offers a wealth of information that could be invaluable for a variety of data analytics applications.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source.
_row_numberlongThe row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. The combination of '_extract_date' and '_row_number' uniquely identifies each row.
geom_geojsonstringContains geographical data in GeoJSON format representing multipolygon geometries.
geom_geotextstringContains geographical data in text format also representing multipolygon geometries.
geom_typestringSpecifies the type of the geometry represented in 'geom_geojson' and 'geom_geotext' columns. In this case, the type is ST_MULTIPOLYGON, indicating the data represents a multipolygon.
geom_centroidstringProvides the centroid coordinates of the multipolygon geometries.
geom_center_xdoubleThe x-coordinate (longitude) of the centroid of the multipolygon geometries.
geom_center_ydoubleThe y-coordinate (latitude) of the centroid of the multipolygon geometries.
gml_idstringA unique identifier for each row in the dataset.
kuntastringMunicipality code represented in string format.
kuntanrolongMunicipality code represented in numeric format.
namnstringName of the location in the source language.
nimistringName of the location translated into a different language.
objectidlongAn identifier for each object in the table.
pinta_aladoubleThe area of the location, likely in square meters.
posti_aluestringThe postal code area for the location.
shape_lengdoubleThe perimeter length of the multipolygon geometries.
vuosilongYear associated with the data.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package id61eaf0ba-dc8d-4be0-bd59-dfc1fc4cd377
Revision idca14a734-6e27-4aa8-bedd-5720a7420fa5