Version History of Postal Area Data 2016

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The 'table__history' is a robust data resource that captures a detailed version history of its base table rows. It belongs to a broader dataset collection associated with geographical postal areas for the year 2016. The contents of this table are derived from 'Tilastokeskus', a Finnish statistical agency, serving as a rich source of information for varied applications in data analytics.

The table features a diverse range of columns encompassing geographical, demographic, and temporal data. Some of the notable columns include start and end dates indicating when the row was extracted and when a new version was created respectively. A unique feature of this table is its ability to track version history, made possible by the combination of the row number and start date. If the end date is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.

Another key aspect of this table is the presence of geographical information. The table houses a series of 'geom_' columns, denoting specific geographic data which can be leveraged for geospatial data analytics. This data is presented using the WGS 84 coordinate reference system, with axis order longitude first, followed by latitude.

The table also contains columns related to the postal area, area name in different local languages, area size, and the specific year of data collection. Such information can provide valuable insights into demographic trends and regional distributions.

Given its rich content, this table can be utilized in various ways. For instance, one could analyze demographic trends over time by leveraging the version history feature. Similarly, the geographical data can be used to conduct spatial analysis or to visualize regional distributions of postal areas. Overall, the 'table__history' serves as a comprehensive tool for longitudinal and geographical data analysis, providing a detailed snapshot of Finnish postal areas in 2016.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThe date when the row was first extracted from the data source.
_end_datedateThe date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If this value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_numberlongThe number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. Together with '_start_date', it uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
geom_geojsonstringContains geometric data in GeoJSON format. It could represent multiple polygons (areas).
geom_geotextstringContains geometric data in text format, typically representing multiple polygons.
geom_typestringThe type of the geometry, in this case, it's a multi polygon.
geom_centroidstringThe central point of the geometric shape described in the row.
geom_center_xdoubleThe X coordinate of the geometric object's center.
geom_center_ydoubleThe Y coordinate of the geometric object's center.
gml_idstringA unique identifier for the row.
kuntastringA string that represents the municipality.
kuntanrolongAn integer number associated with the municipality.
namnstringName of the place or area, in Finnish.
nimistringName of the place or area, in Finnish. It seems to be similar to 'namn'.
pinta_aladoubleThe area of the place or region, in square meters.
posti_aluestringPostal code of the area.
shape_stardoubleContains geometric data related to the shape, possibly its area.
shape_stledoubleContains geometric data related to the shape. It might represent its length or perimeter.
vuosilongThe year associated with the row's data, most likely the year of data collection or relevancy.

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Additional Information

Last updated November 11, 2024
Created November 11, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2024-11-11
Package id31d3b116-8f8b-4f94-9dc4-22b867ad86db
Revision id8b4905e5-c583-4073-a506-095ad969ce21