Fact, Statfin mmtal pxt 002 fi px, Full history

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Maatilayritys: Veronalaiset tulot, menot, varat ja velat maakunnittain ja kunnittain muuttujina Tiedot, Vuosi ja Kunta17

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
tiedotstringDatasource did not contain a description for Tiedot. Column tiedot has 342916 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is _freq_ and maximum string is M30.
vuosiintDatasource did not contain a description for Vuosi. Column vuosi has 342916 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2004 and maximum value is 2017.
kunta17intDatasource did not contain a description for Kunta17. Column kunta17 has 342916 rows, out of which 22792 are empty, making the null percent 6.65. Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 992.
maatilayritys_veronalaiset_tulot_menot_varat_ja_velat_maakunnittain_ja_kunnittainintDatasource did not contain a description for Maatilayritys_Veronalaiset_tulot_menot_varat_ja_velat_maakunnittain_ja_kunnittain. Column maatilayritys_veronalaiset_tulot_menot_varat_ja_velat_maakunnittain_ja_kunnittain has 342916 rows, out of which 9028 are empty, making the null percent 2.63. Minimum value is -120253 and maximum value is 754246.
orig_extractdatestringThe date when the data was originally fetched from the source.

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Additional Information

Last updated August 5, 2019
Created August 5, 2019
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package id64ad4833-05ee-4f83-b59a-bb899062a9e4
Revision id0d316241-b57f-46a1-9d9c-68702d6dac57