_start_date | date | The start date of the validity period of the row version |
_end_date | date | The end date of the validity period of the row version |
_row_number | long | The row number of the version history |
museets_namn | string | The name of the museum |
kommun | string | The municipality of the museum |
landskap | string | The landscape of the museum |
museigrupp | string | The museum group |
agendeform | string | The agenda form |
betalda_besok_sammanlagt | int | The total number of paid visits |
gratisbesok_sammanlagt | int | The total number of free visits |
alla_besok_sammanlagt_det_totala_besokarantalet | int | The total number of all visits |
andelen_besokare_i_daghems___skolelevs__och_studerandegrupper_av_det_totala_antalet_besok | float | The percentage of visitors in daycare, school, and student groups out of the total number of visits |
andelen_besok_av_utlanningar_av_det_totala_antalet_besok | float | The percentage of visits by foreigners out of the total number of visits |
expertbesok_i_museets_lokaler | float | The number of expert visits in the museum premises |
ovriga_besok_i_museets_lokaler | float | The number of other visits in the museum premises |
besok_pa_evenemang_som_museet_arrangerar_utanfor_de_egna_lokalerna | float | The number of visits to events organized by the museum outside its own premises |
det_totala_antalet_guidningar | float | The total number of guided tours |
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_guidningar | float | The number of people who participated in guided tours |
det_totala_antalet_verkstader_som_arrangerats | float | The total number of workshops organized |
antalet_personer_som_deltagit_i_verkstader | float | The number of people who participated in workshops |
antalet_ovriga_evenemang_for_allmanheten | float | The number of other events for the public |
det_totala_antalet_evenemang_for_allmanheten | float | The total number of events for the public |
sociala_medier_facebook | float | The presence of the museum on Facebook |
sociala_medier_twitter | float | The presence of the museum on Twitter |
sociala_medier_instagram | float | The presence of the museum on Instagram |
sociala_medier_youtube | float | The presence of the museum on YouTube |
sociala_medier_ovriga_kanaler | float | The presence of the museum on other social media channels |
antalet_webbutstallningar_och_andra_producerade_innehallshelheter | float | The number of online exhibitions and other produced content entities |
museets_mobiltjanster | float | The mobile services provided by the museum |
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museet | string | Indicates if all visitors have free admission to the museum |
har_alla_besokare_fritt_intrade_till_museet__float | float | Indicates if all visitors have free admission to the museum as a float value |
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_ar | string | Indicates if the museum has free admission for visitors under 18 years old |
har_museet_fritt_intrade_for_besokare_under_18_ar__float | float | Indicates if the museum has free admission for visitors under 18 years old as a float value |
intradesavgiften_for_den_permanenta_utstallningen__vuxna | float | The admission fee for the permanent exhibition for adults |
intradesavgift_for_tillfalliga_utstallningar__vuxna | float | The admission fee for temporary exhibitions for adults |
intradesavgiften_for_den_permanenta_utstallningen__barn | float | The admission fee for the permanent exhibition for children |
intradesavgift_for_tillfalliga_utstallningar__barn | float | The admission fee for temporary exhibitions for children |
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aret | string | Indicates if the museum's main unit has free admission on certain days of the year if the museum has an admission fee |
om_museet_har_en_intradesavgift__har_museets_huvudenhet_gratis_intrade_vissa_dagar_pa_aret__float | float | Indicates if the museum's main unit has free admission on certain days of the year as a float value if the museum has an admission fee |
ifall_svaret_ar_ja__hur_manga_dagar_per_ar | float | If the answer is yes, indicates how many days per year |
ifall_svaret_ar_ja__hur_manga_timmar_per_ar | float | If the answer is yes, indicates how many hours per year |
huvudenhetens_oppettider | string | The opening hours of the main unit |
huvudenhetens_oppettider__float | float | The opening hours of the main unit as a float value |
tillfalliga_utstallningar_egen_produktion | float | The number of temporary exhibitions produced by the museum |
tillfalliga_utstallningar_samarbetsutstallningar | float | The number of temporary exhibitions as collaborative exhibitions |
tillfalliga_utstallningar_utstallningar_som_producerats_av_andra | float | The number of temporary exhibitions produced by others |
totalt_antal_tillfalliga_utstallningar | float | The total number of temporary exhibitions |
antalet_konstutstallningar_av_museets_temporara_utstallningar | float | The number of art exhibitions among the museum's temporary exhibitions |
genomforda_nya_ambulerande_utstallningar | float | The number of new traveling exhibitions conducted |
utstallningar_producerade_for_utlandet | float | The number of exhibitions produced for foreign countries |
alla_utstallningar_sammanlagt | float | The total number of all exhibitions |
utstallningar_som_museet_producerat_utanfor_museets_egna_lokaler | float | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum outside its own premises |
bocker_som_museet_publicerat_monografier_och_artikelsamlingar | float | The number of books published by the museum, including monographs and article collections |
tidskrifter_som_museet_publicerat_bocker_och_tidningar | float | The number of journals published by the museum, including books and magazines |
artiklar_publicerade_under_aret | float | The number of articles published during the year |
referentgranskade_artiklar_publicerade_under_aret | float | The number of peer-reviewed articles published during the year |
museernas_arsberattelser_eller_motsvarande_publikationer | float | The number of annual reports or similar publications of the museums |
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_program | string | Indicates if the museum has formulated a collection policy program |
har_museet_gjort_upp_ett_samlingspolitiskt_program__float | float | Indicates if the museum has formulated a collection policy program as a float value |
foremalssamlingar_hela_omfattningen | float | The total scope of the object collections |
foremalssamlingar_arets_forvarv | float | The acquisitions of objects during the year |
foremalssamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar | float | The disposals of objects from the museum's collections |
foremalssamlingar__har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemet | float | Indicates if the object collections have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system |
foremalssamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_kulturhistoriska_foremalssamlingarna_har_digitaliserats | float | The number of objects from the cultural historical object collections that have been digitized |
foremalssamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet | float | The total number of digital objects published online from the object collections |
museets_konstsamlingar_hela_omfattningen | float | The total scope of the museum's art collections |
museets_konstsamlingar_arets_forvarv | float | The acquisitions of art objects during the year |
museets_konstsamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar | float | The disposals of art objects from the museum's collections |
museets_konstsamlingar__har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemet | float | Indicates if the art collections have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system |
museets_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_digitaliserats | float | The number of objects from the art collections that have been digitized |
museets_konstsamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet | float | The total number of digital objects published online from the art collections |
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hela_omfattningen | float | The total scope of public art collections |
offentliga_konstsamlingar_arets_forvarv | float | The acquisitions of objects in the public art collections during the year |
offentliga_konstsamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar | float | The disposals of objects from the museum's public art collections |
offentliga_konstsamlingar_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemet | float | Indicates if the public art collections have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system |
offentliga_konstsamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_konstsamlingarna_har_digitaliserats | float | The number of objects from the public art collections that have been digitized |
offentliga_konstsamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet | float | The total number of digital objects published online from the public art collections |
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hela_omfattningen | float | The total scope of the natural history collections |
naturhistoriska_samlingar_arets_forvarv | float | The acquisitions of objects in the natural history collections during the year |
naturhistoriska_samlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar | float | The disposals of objects from the museum's natural history collections |
naturhistoriska_samlingar__har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemet | float | Indicates if the natural history collections have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system |
naturhistoriska_samlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_de_naturhistoriska_samlingarna_har_digitaliserats | float | The number of objects from the natural history collections that have been digitized |
naturhistoriska_samlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet | float | The total number of digital objects published online from the natural history collections |
fotografisamlingar_omfattning | float | The scope of the photography collections |
fotografisamlingar_arets_forvarv | float | The acquisitions of objects in the photography collections during the year |
fotografisamlingar_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar | float | The disposals of objects from the museum's photography collections |
fotografisamlingar_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemet | float | Indicates if the photography collections have been cataloged in the electronic collection management system |
fotografisamlingar_hur_manga_objekt_ur_fotografisamlingarna_har_digitaliserats | float | The number of objects from the photography collections that have been digitized |
fotografisamlingar_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet | float | The total number of digital objects published online from the photography collections |
audiovisuellt_material_omfattning | float | The scope of the audiovisual material |
audiovisuellt_material_arets_forvarv | float | The acquisitions of audiovisual material during the year |
audiovisuellt_material_gallringar_ur_museernas_samlingar | float | The disposals of audiovisual material from the museum's collections |
audiovisuellt_material_har_katalogiserats_i_det_elektroniska_samlingsforvaltningssystemet | float | Indicates if the audiovisual material has been cataloged in the electronic collection management system |
audiovisuellt_material_hur_manga_objekt_ur_det_audiovisuella_materialet_har_digitaliserats | float | The number of objects from the audiovisual material that have been digitized |
audiovisuellt_material_det_totala_antalet_digitala_objekt_som_publicerats_pa_natet | float | The total number of digital objects published online from the audiovisual material |
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken | string | The total number of full-time employees specified as annual work units |
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken__float | float | The total number of full-time employees specified as annual work units as a float value |
fast__heltidsanstalld_personal_angiven_som_arsverken__int | int | The total number of full-time employees specified as annual work units as an integer value |
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken | string | The total number of full-time employees with education in the museum field specified as annual work units |
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken__int | int | The total number of full-time employees with education in the museum field specified as annual work units as an integer value |
fast_heltidsanstalld_personal_med_utbildning_inom_museibranschen_angiven_som_arsverken__float | float | The total number of full-time employees with education in the museum field specified as annual work units as a float value |
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt | string | The total number of actual work units |
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt__float | float | The total number of actual work units as a float value |
faktiska_arsverken_sammanlagt__int | int | The total number of actual work units as an integer value |
finns_det_volontarer_i_museet | string | Indicates if there are volunteers in the museum |
finns_det_volontarer_i_museet__float | float | Indicates if there are volunteers in the museum as a float value |
volontarernas_arbetsinsats_i_timmar_per_ar | float | The volunteer's work effort in hours per year |
loneutgifterna_sammanlagt | float | The total salary expenses |
fastighetsutgifter_samt_rantor_och_avskrivningar_totalt | float | The total expenses for properties, interest, and depreciation |
utgifter_for_forvarv_till_samlingarna | float | The expenses for acquisitions to the collections |
utgifter_for_utstallningsverksamhet | float | The expenses for exhibition activities |
utgifter_for_marknadsforing_och_kommunikation | float | The expenses for marketing and communication |
ovriga_utgifter | float | Other expenses |
ovriga_utgifter_totalt | float | The total of other expenses |
utgifter_totalt | float | The total expenses |
statsandel_museilagen_7291992 | float | The government grant amount according to the Museum Act (1992:729) |
statsunderstod | float | The government subsidies |
kommunala_bidrag_galler_inte_kommunala_museer | float | Indicates if municipal grants are applicable to municipal museums |
ovriga_verksamhetsunderstod | float | Other operational grants |
ovriga_projektunderstod | float | Other project grants |
eu_stod_och__bidrag | float | EU funds and grants |
sponsorunderstod | float | Sponsorship support |
intakter_fran_intradesavgifter | float | Revenue from admission fees |
intakter_fran_tjanster_och_forsaljning | float | Revenue from services and sales |
ovriga_egna_intakter | float | Other own revenue |
egna_intakter_totalt | float | Total own revenue |
intakter_totalt | float | Total revenue |