Survey Questions for All Respondents in 2016 Annual Tables, updated on 13/12/2022

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This table contains data from the Museovirasto website in Finland. It includes various columns related to museums and cultural institutions. The data can be used for data analytics purposes such as calculating the total number of museums in different regions, analyzing the distribution of special museums across the country, comparing the number of open museums throughout the year, and examining the characteristics of different types of museums. The table also includes numeric values that can be used for further calculations and statistical analysis.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateA datetime field that indicates the date the data was extracted from the source system.
_row_numberlongAn integer field that represents the row number in the table.
designmuseostringA string field that stores information about the design museum.
23floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
helsinkistringA string field that stores information related to Helsinki.
helsinki__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to Helsinki.
sodra_finlands_lanstringA string field that stores information about Sodra Finlands Lan.
sodra_finlands_lan__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to Sodra Finlands Lan.
nylandstringA string field that stores information about Nyland.
nyland__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to Nyland.
riksomfattande_specialmuseumstringA string field that stores information about riksomfattande specialmuseum.
riksomfattande_specialmuseum__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to riksomfattande specialmuseum.
stiftelsestringA string field that stores information about stiftelse.
stiftelse__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to stiftelse.
97537floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
18190floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
115727floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
9392floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
31607floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
71floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1490floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1561floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
456floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
8515floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
136floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
4791floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
59floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
651floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
nejstringA string field indicating 'no'.
nej__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to 'no'.
nej__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to 'no'.
nej_1stringA string field indicating 'no'.
nej_1__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to 'no'.
nej_1__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to 'no'.
10floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
10_1floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_1floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
jastringA string field indicating 'yes'.
ja__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to 'yes'.
ja__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to 'yes'.
11floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
74floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
avoinna_saannollisesti_ympari_vuodenstringA string field indicating whether it is open throughout the year.
avoinna_saannollisesti_ympari_vuoden__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to whether it is open throughout the year.
avoinna_saannollisesti_ympari_vuoden__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to whether it is open throughout the year.
4floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
2floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
7floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1_1floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
4_1floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
12floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1_2floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_2floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
5floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_3floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1_3floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1_4floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
7_1floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
ja_1stringA string field indicating 'yes'.
ja_1__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to 'yes'.
ja_1__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to 'yes'.
0_4floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_5floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_6floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_7floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_8floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_9floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
69117floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
129floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
21floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
67082floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
67082_1floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
7535floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_10floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_11floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_12floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_13floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_14floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_15floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
127033floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
269floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_16floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
58161floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
59361floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1862floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
80floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_17floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_18floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_19floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
65floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_20floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
23_3stringAn integer field with no specific information provided.
23_3__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to the field '23_3'.
23_3__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to the field '23_3'.
11_8stringAn integer field with no specific information provided.
11_8__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to the field '11_8'.
11_8__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to the field '11_8'.
41_3stringAn integer field with no specific information provided.
41_3__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to the field '41_3'.
41_3__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to the field '41_3'.
ja_2stringA string field indicating 'yes'.
ja_2__floatfloatA floating-point field that stores numeric values related to 'yes'.
ja_2__intintAn integer field that stores numeric values related to 'yes'.
55floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1403750floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1387765floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
7690floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
388727floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
251070floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
310925floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
950722floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
3749927floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
684613floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1680313floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
20000floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_21floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_22floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
0_23floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
432749floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
533342floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
765floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
391250floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
1358106floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.
3743032floatAn integer field with no specific information provided.

No sample for this dataset

Additional Information

Last updated April 21, 2024
Created April 21, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package ide3096682-ad48-44cc-b7c6-86b9f102dd27
Revision id26929469-dffc-4145-b14e-c0ee73a53f5b