Version History of Vocational Education Related to Farm Operations Completed by the Person Responsible for Farm Management in 2016 by Ely Centre (Fact) [Luke Finland Web]
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This table provides the version history for the rows of the vocational education related to farm operations completed by the person responsible for farm management in 2016 by ELY Centre fact table. It includes information about the starting date and ending date of each row, along with a unique row number, the year, the ELY Centre, the type of vocational education, and the completion status of the vocational education related to farm operations in 2016. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics tasks, such as tracking changes in vocational education over time, analyzing completion rates by ELY Centre, identifying patterns or trends in the types of vocational education completed, and investigating the relationship between vocational education and farm management. The table is sourced from the web site of Luke, which originates from Finland (country code 'FI').
Field Descriptions
Name |
Data type |
Description |
_start_date | date | The start date of the validity period for this row version. |
_end_date | date | The end date of the validity period for this row version. |
_row_number | long | The row number of this version in the table. |
year | int | The year of the data. |
ely_centre | int | The ELY centre associated with the data. |
vocational_education | string | Indicates if the person responsible for farm management has received vocational education. |
vocational_education_related_to_farm_operations_completed_by_the_person_responsible_for_farm_management_in_2016 | int | The amount of vocational education related to farm operations completed by the person responsible for farm management in 2016. |