Version History of Total Milk Production Data in Finland

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The table contains the version history of the rows in the 'Total Milk Production (million L)' fact table. It includes additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date' indicating the extraction dates from the data source. The data in this table is sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, originating from the country with the ISO country code 'FI'. The table provides valuable data for conducting various data analytics tasks, such as trend analysis, forecasting, and comparison of milk production over time. It can be used to identify seasonal patterns, calculate growth rates, and analyze factors influencing the production and usage of milk. Additionally, it enables assessments of the country's milk production trends and fluctuations. This historical version log is crucial for accurate and comprehensive studies on milk production in Finland.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_start_datedateThe start date indicating the validity period of the row version
_end_datedateThe end date indicating the validity period of the row version
_row_numberlongThe number indicating the order of the row version
yearintThe year of the production
productionusestringIndicates whether the production is used or not
total_milk_productionintThe total milk production for the specific row version

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Additional Information

Last updated May 19, 2024
Created May 19, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2018-09-29
Package id245b0b69-bb17-4ac3-8b5f-bbc1812f6dd0
Revision id7fbbad62-3713-4cfa-a6f7-35be9894c887