Roadside Prices of Roundwood by Week

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This table contains the roadside prices of roundwood by week. It is sourced from the website of Luke, an organization from Finland. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios, such as:

  1. Analyzing the weekly price trends of roundwood in different regions.
  2. Comparing the prices of different roundwood assortments across weeks.
  3. Identifying the regions with the highest and lowest prices for roundwood.
  4. Calculating the average prices of roundwood by week in specific price regions.
  5. Analyzing the price fluctuations of roundwood assortments over time.

Please refer to the column names for further details on the specific attributes of this table.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the data was extracted from the source.
_row_numberlongThe sequential number of each row in the table.
weekstringThe week number for which the prices are reported.
price_regionintThe geographical region where the prices are applicable.
roundwood_assortmentstringThe different types or assortments of roundwood available.
roadside_prices_of_roundwoodintThe prices of roundwood at roadside locations in the specified region and assortment.

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Additional Information

Last updated May 18, 2024
Created May 18, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2018-09-29
Package idec317b05-a7e4-4207-be7f-6cec3b873a84
Revision id1b1eaa0f-0fb8-4356-b2dd-c7e8b144ba78