Profitability of Fish Wholesale - Yearly Financial Indicators by Enterprise Size in Finland
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This table provides data on the profitability of fish wholesale in Finland. The data is sourced from Luke, the Natural Resources Institute Finland. The table includes information on the financial indicators, size of the enterprises, and profitability of the fish wholesale industry. The data in this table can be utilized for various data analytics purposes such as analyzing trends in profitability over time, comparing profitability among different enterprise sizes, and identifying the primary financial indicators affecting the profitability of fish wholesale in Finland.
Field Descriptions
Name |
Data type |
Description |
_extract_date | date | The date and time when the data was extracted. |
_row_number | long | The unique identifier for each row of data. |
year | int | The year for which the financial data is recorded. |
financial_indicator | string | The specific financial indicator for the enterprise. |
size_of_the_enteprise | string | The size category of the enterprise, such as small, medium, or large. |
profitability_of_fish_wholesale | int | The profitability ratio for fish wholesale business. |