Hourly Earnings in Agricultural Production (DIM Data) from Luke - Finland

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The dataset contains information on hourly earnings in agricultural production. It is sourced from the 'Luke' website, which originates from Finland (ISO country code 'fi'). This table provides data that can be used for various data analytics tasks, such as: 1. Analyzing the trends in hourly earnings in agricultural production over time. 2. Comparing the earnings across different regions or areas within Finland. 3. Identifying the impact of various factors, such as weather conditions or crop types, on hourly earnings. 4. Conducting statistical analyses to understand the distribution and variability of earnings in agricultural production. 5. Using the data to develop forecasting models for future earnings in the agricultural sector.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date and time when the data was extracted.
_row_numberlongA unique identifier for each row in the table.
codestringThe code associated with a particular item.
labelstringThe label or name given to a particular item.

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Additional Information

Last updated May 13, 2024
Created May 13, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2018-09-29
Package ide6ac218d-0ade-4405-a857-de832d8d4cd3
Revision id393b008d-f148-4da4-804f-29d4c24dd5c9