Finnish Commercial Marine Catch Since 1953 (1,000 kg) - Luke (Finland)

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This table contains data on Finnish commercial marine catch since 1953, measured in kilograms. The data is sourced from Luke, which is an organization located in Finland (ISO country code: FI). The table includes information such as the extraction date, row number, year, species, and the amount of catch. This data can be utilized in data analytics to analyze the trends and patterns of marine catch over time, understand the distribution of catch across different species, and assess the impact of fishing on the marine ecosystem and economy in Finland.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the data was extracted.
_row_numberlongThe row number of the data in the table.
yearintThe year when the catch was recorded.
speciesstringThe species of the marine catch.
finnish_commercial_marine_catchintThe amount of commercial marine catch in Finland.

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Additional Information

Last updated May 12, 2024
Created May 12, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2018-09-29
Package idc9217365-63b2-4e1a-9429-8c7ba6d9c35c
Revision id89ef4536-1415-443b-bc13-23db0274a5c0