Native Species Approved Seed Growing Areas in Finland

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This table contains information about approved seed growing areas of native species in Finland. The data is sourced from the web site of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute Finland. The table includes information such as the extraction date, row number, year, ely centre, species or subspecies, and the approved areas for growing seeds of native species. This data can be utilized in data analytics to analyze the trends in approved seed growing areas over time, explore the distribution of native species across different ely centres, and study the conservation efforts of native species in Finland.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the row was extracted from the table.
_row_numberlongThe sequential number assigned to each row in the table.
yearintThe year to which the data corresponds to.
ely_centreintThe center for which the data is recorded.
speciessubspeciesstringThe specific species or subspecies recorded in the table.
approved_seed_growing_areas_of_native_speciesstringThe areas where native species' seed growing is approved.

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Additional Information

Last updated May 7, 2024
Created May 7, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Extract date2018-09-28
Package idfbe33bae-0ddf-46b9-bdd4-fcf85c9e2bfa
Revision id4235ca68-b3a3-4189-99a4-2340de20a86b