Version History of Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Region and Year - Luke (Finland)
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This table contains the version history of the base table 'agricultural_area_cultivated_with_the_same_crop_by_region__dim_year'. It tracks the changes made to the base table rows over time. The table includes columns for '_start_date' and '_end_date', which indicate the start and end dates of each version of the rows. Additionally, the table has columns for '_row_number', 'code', and 'label'. While the table does not provide a description of these individual columns, it can be utilized in data analytics to analyze the historical changes in agricultural area cultivated with the same crop by region and year. For example, it can be used to track trends and patterns in agricultural practices across different regions and years. The data in this table is sourced from the web site of 'Luke', which is a Finnish organization. 'Luke' stands for Natural Resources Institute Finland, and it is a leading research and expert organization specializing in agriculture, forestry, and natural resources.
Field Descriptions
Name |
Data type |
Description |
_start_date | date | The start date of the validity period of the row version. |
_end_date | date | The end date of the validity period of the row version. |
_row_number | long | The unique number assigned to each row version. |
code | string | The code associated with the row version. |
label | string | The label associated with the row version. |