Rata silta, Avoinrata silta, Latest

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No description available for layer avoin:rata_silta (Silta)

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
alkukm_mstringData source did not contain a description for ALKUKM_M. Column alkukm_m has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 0000+0322 and maximum string is 1141+0248.
alkupvmdateData source did not contain a description for ALKUPVM. Column is empty.
brutrakpakfloatData source did not contain a description for BRUTRAKPAK. Column brutrakpak has 5497 rows, out of which 446 are empty, making the null percent 8.11. Minimum value is 0.00 and maximum value is 94.41.
huomautus1stringData source did not contain a description for HUOMAUTUS1. Column huomautus1 has 5497 rows, out of which 3988 are empty, making the null percent 72.55. Minimum string is and maximum string is Äkäsjoen liikennepaikka.
huomautus2stringData source did not contain a description for HUOMAUTUS2. Column huomautus2 has 5497 rows, out of which 4878 are empty, making the null percent 88.74. Minimum string is and maximum string is ylläpitämä tiesilta.
idintData source did not contain a description for ID. Column id has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 348488 and maximum value is 907134.
irrotus_pvtimestampData source did not contain a description for IRROTUS_PV. Column irrotus_pv has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 2020-05-25 21:03:27 and maximum value is 2020-05-25 21:03:38.
jannemitatfloatData source did not contain a description for JANNEMITAT. Column jannemitat has 5497 rows, out of which 3921 are empty, making the null percent 71.33. Minimum value is 2.00 and maximum value is 84.00.
jannenrointData source did not contain a description for JANNENRO. Column jannenro has 5497 rows, out of which 5379 are empty, making the null percent 97.85. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 8.
kaidevalifloatData source did not contain a description for KAIDEVALI. Column kaidevali has 5497 rows, out of which 228 are empty, making the null percent 4.15. Minimum value is 0.00 and maximum value is 99.99.
kokpituusfloatData source did not contain a description for KOKPITUUS. Column kokpituus has 5497 rows, out of which 215 are empty, making the null percent 3.91. Minimum value is 0.00 and maximum value is 716.00.
kpitoalueintData source did not contain a description for KPITOALUE. Column kpitoalue has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 12.
kunnpitajastringData source did not contain a description for KUNNPITAJA. Column kunnpitaja has 5497 rows, out of which 3453 are empty, making the null percent 62.82. Minimum string is and maximum string is YksityinenRautaruukki.
kuormkoodistringData source did not contain a description for KUORMKOODI. Column kuormkoodi has 5497 rows, out of which 1336 are empty, making the null percent 24.30. Minimum string is and maximum string is VR-I48.
latauspvmdateData source did not contain a description for LATAUSPVM. Column is empty.
loc_errorstringData source did not contain a description for LOC_ERROR. Column loc_error has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: NO ERROR.
loppukm_mstringData source did not contain a description for LOPPUKM_M. Column loppukm_m has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 0000+0322 and maximum string is 1141+0248.
loppupvmdateData source did not contain a description for LOPPUPVM. Column is empty.
maatukrvintData source did not contain a description for MAATUKRV. Column maatukrv has 5497 rows, out of which 358 are empty, making the null percent 6.51. Minimum value is 198 and maximum value is 2019.
muunimistringData source did not contain a description for MUUNIMI. Column muunimi has 5497 rows, out of which 5129 are empty, making the null percent 93.31. Minimum string is and maximum string is Öljytien ylikulkusilta.
muutospvmdateData source did not contain a description for MUUTOSPVM. Column is empty.
nimistringData source did not contain a description for NIMI. Column is empty.
objectidintData source did not contain a description for OBJECTID. Column objectid has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 739969 and maximum value is 745740.
otsikkostringData source did not contain a description for OTSIKKO. Column otsikko has 5497 rows, out of which 4692 are empty, making the null percent 85.36. Minimum string is and maximum string is Yläratapiha.
peruskorjvintData source did not contain a description for PERUSKORJV. Column peruskorjv has 5497 rows, out of which 4762 are empty, making the null percent 86.63. Minimum value is 1890 and maximum value is 2019.
perustsyvfloatData source did not contain a description for PERUSTSYV. Column perustsyv has 5497 rows, out of which 650 are empty, making the null percent 11.82. Minimum value is 0.00 and maximum value is 66.00.
pisinjamitfloatData source did not contain a description for PISINJAMIT. Column pisinjamit has 5497 rows, out of which 187 are empty, making the null percent 3.40. Minimum value is 0.00 and maximum value is 104.00.
pistekm_mstringData source did not contain a description for PISTEKM_M. Column pistekm_m has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is 0000+0322 and maximum string is 1141+0248.
pluku_alkuintData source did not contain a description for PLUKU_ALKU. Column pluku_alku has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 322 and maximum value is 11410248.
pluku_loppintData source did not contain a description for PLUKU_LOPP. Column pluku_lopp has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 322 and maximum value is 11410248.
pluku_pistintData source did not contain a description for PLUKU_PIST. Column pluku_pist has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 322 and maximum value is 11410248.
raidelukuintData source did not contain a description for RAIDELUKU. Column raideluku has 5497 rows, out of which 297 are empty, making the null percent 5.40. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 17.
raktyyppistringData source did not contain a description for RAKTYYPPI. Column raktyyppi has 5497 rows, out of which 88 are empty, making the null percent 1.60. First 25 characters of minimum string: ... and first 25 characters of maximum string: Teräspalkkibetoninen ulok...
rakvuosiintData source did not contain a description for RAKVUOSI. Column rakvuosi has 5497 rows, out of which 61 are empty, making the null percent 1.11. Minimum value is 1862 and maximum value is 2019.
ratanumerointData source did not contain a description for RATANUMERO. Column ratanumero has 5497 rows, out of which 10 are empty, making the null percent 0.18. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 751.
siirtlaatstringData source did not contain a description for SIIRTLAAT. Column siirtlaat has 5497 rows, out of which 4962 are empty, making the null percent 90.27. Minimum string is and maximum string is RATA2.
sijraidtunintData source did not contain a description for SIJRAIDTUN. Column sijraidtun has 5497 rows, out of which 3822 are empty, making the null percent 69.53. Minimum value is 2 and maximum value is 751.
sillantilastringData source did not contain a description for SILLANTILA. Column sillantila has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. First 25 characters of minimum string: EI LIIKENNETTÄ. SILTA OLE... and first 25 characters of maximum string: YHTEYS TAI RAIDE PURETTU...
siltakoodiintData source did not contain a description for SILTAKOODI. Column siltakoodi has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 4873.
siltanimistringData source did not contain a description for SILTANIMI. Column siltanimi has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Aatolan alikulkusilta and maximum string is Överbyn alikulkusilta.
siltarakidintData source did not contain a description for SILTARAKID. Column siltarakid has 5497 rows, out of which 56 are empty, making the null percent 1.02. Minimum value is 410560 and maximum value is 9000936.
siltatyypstringData source did not contain a description for SILTATYYP. Column siltatyyp has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum string is Alikulkusilta and maximum string is Ylikäytäväsilta.
silttyypidintData source did not contain a description for SILTTYYPID. Column silttyypid has 5497 rows, out of which 88 are empty, making the null percent 1.60. Minimum value is 413445 and maximum value is 9000937.
suunitnrointData source did not contain a description for SUUNITNRO. Column suunitnro has 5497 rows, out of which 314 are empty, making the null percent 5.71. Minimum value is 12 and maximum value is 55555.
tienimistringData source did not contain a description for TIENIMI. Column tienimi has 5497 rows, out of which 4334 are empty, making the null percent 78.84. Minimum string is and maximum string is Äänekoskentie.
tienumerointData source did not contain a description for TIENUMERO. Column tienumero has 5497 rows, out of which 5081 are empty, making the null percent 92.43. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 49002.
trr_tunnusstringData source did not contain a description for TRR_TUNNUS. Column trr_tunnus has 5497 rows, out of which 86 are empty, making the null percent 1.56. Minimum string is and maximum string is V-607.
vapkorkeusfloatData source did not contain a description for VAPKORKEUS. Column vapkorkeus has 5497 rows, out of which 291 are empty, making the null percent 5.29. Minimum value is 0.00 and maximum value is 26.86.
vapleveysfloatData source did not contain a description for VAPLEVEYS. Column vapleveys has 5497 rows, out of which 191 are empty, making the null percent 3.47. Minimum value is 0.00 and maximum value is 99.99.
vinouskulmintData source did not contain a description for VINOUSKULM. Column vinouskulm has 5497 rows, out of which 1592 are empty, making the null percent 28.96. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 153.
geom_geojsonstringGeometry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringGeometry as GeoText. Column geom_geotext has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. First 25 characters of minimum string: POINT (21.23423601984046 ... and first 25 characters of maximum string: POINT (30.93531344921166 ...
geom_center_xdoubleLongitude of the centroid of the geometry. Column is empty.
geom_center_ydoubleLatitude of the centroid of the geometry. Column is empty.
geom_typestringGeometry type. Column geom_type has 5497 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: ST_POINT.

No sample for this dataset

Additional Information

Last updated September 8, 2020
Created September 8, 2020
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package id613e747b-9c34-479b-94b3-eb0ec1235f32
Revision idf68c6e33-ee86-47e5-a6ad-0ccc6d13b1a8