Ylre katualueline, Hkrylre katualue, Latest

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No description available for layer hkr:ylre_katualue (Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, katualueet)

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
katualue_iintData source did not contain a description for katualue_i. Column katualue_i has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 12444.
katualueenfloatData source did not contain a description for katualueen. Column katualueen has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 7830.00.
kadun_nimistringData source did not contain a description for kadun_nimi. Column kadun_nimi has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: Rantaradan varsiraitti.
kadun_nim0intData source did not contain a description for kadun_nim0. Column kadun_nim0 has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 5741.
katuluokkafloatData source did not contain a description for katuluokka. Column katuluokka has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0.00 and maximum value is 0.00.
kaupunginostringData source did not contain a description for kaupungino. Column kaupungino has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: Pasila.
osa_aluestringData source did not contain a description for osa_alue. Column osa_alue has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: Länsi-Pasila.
suurpiiristringData source did not contain a description for suurpiiri. Column suurpiiri has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: Keskinen.
kayttotarkstringData source did not contain a description for kayttotark. Column kayttotark has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: Erillinen kev.liik.väylä.
kayttotar0intData source did not contain a description for kayttotar0. Column kayttotar0 has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 241.
yllapitolustringData source did not contain a description for yllapitolu. Column yllapitolu has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: III.
omistajastringData source did not contain a description for omistaja. Column omistaja has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: Ei tietoa.
vuokrausstringData source did not contain a description for vuokraus. Column is empty.
vuokraajastringData source did not contain a description for vuokraaja. Column is empty.
kadunpitopdateData source did not contain a description for kadunpitop. Column is empty.
pituusfloatData source did not contain a description for pituus. Column pituus has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 181.00.
keskim_levfloatData source did not contain a description for keskim_lev. Column keskim_lev has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 4.00.
pinta_alafloatData source did not contain a description for pinta_ala. Column pinta_ala has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. Constant value is 721.00.
paivitettydateData source did not contain a description for paivitetty. Column is empty.
geom_geojsonstringGeometry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringGeometry as GeoText. Column geom_geotext has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: LINESTRING (24.9223320600...
geom_center_xfloatLongitude of center. Column is empty.
geom_center_yfloatLatitude of center. Column is empty.
geom_typestringGeometry type. Column geom_type has 1 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0.00. The column is fully populated. The single string value is: ST_LINESTRING.

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Additional Information

Last updated September 7, 2020
Created September 7, 2020
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package idee2e4509-93dd-43a3-82d6-7966da660efe
Revision id1800ddf0-09d8-4643-ab10-717a260cdace