Water Sources - Helsinki City Environment Department, Finland

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This table contains data about open water sources in Helsinki, Finland. The data is sourced from the website of Helsingin kaupunkiympariston toimiala. The table includes information such as the extract date, row number, ID, class code, class name, name, description, notes, digitalization date, editing date, area, target text, metadata, GeoJSON geometry, GeoText geometry, geometry type, centroid geometry, centroid x-coordinate, centroid y-coordinate, and raw geometry data. Examples of how the data in this table could be utilized in data analytics include analyzing the distribution of open water sources across Helsinki, calculating the average area of different classes of water sources, or finding the nearest water source to a given location.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date the data was extracted
_row_numberlongThe row number of the data
idintThe identifier of the table row
tunnusintThe tunnus value
luokkatunnstringThe luokkatunn value
luokan_nimstringThe name of the luokan
nimistringThe name
kuvausstringThe description
huomstringThe additional note
digipvmstringThe digipvm value
pvm_editoistringThe pvm_editoi value
pinta_alafloatThe pinta_ala value
kohdetekststringThe kohdetekst value
metadatastringThe metadata information
geom_geojsonstringThe geometry in GeoJSON format
geom_geotextstringThe geotext for the geometry
geom_typestringThe type of the geometry
geom_centroidstringThe centroid of the geometry
geom_center_xdoubleThe x-coordinate of the center of the geometry
geom_center_ydoubleThe y-coordinate of the center of the geometry
geombinaryThe geometry

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Additional Information

Last updated April 23, 2024
Created April 23, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package idc14703ec-9651-4f3c-9a51-74b8086ef0e6
Revision ida613508f-6bc7-4e8d-9a40-c4ade9cccaf3