Version History of Land Use Built-up Areas in Helsinki Metropolitan Area
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The table contains the version history of the base table rows of 'avoindataseutukartta_maankaytto_rakennetut_alueet__seutukartta_maankaytto_rakennetut_alueetpolygon'. It has two additional columns, '_start_date' and '_end_date', denoting the extraction dates of the rows from the data source. The table is sourced from the website of 'Helsinki City Environment Sector' in Finland.
Field Descriptions
Name |
Data type |
Description |
_start_date | date | The start date of the validity period for the row version. |
_end_date | date | The end date of the validity period for the row version. |
_row_number | long | The number identifying the row version in the table. |
maankaytto | string | The land use associated with the row version. |
mtryhm | int | The land use group associated with the row version. |
geom_geojson | string | The geometry of the row version in GeoJSON format. |
geom_geotext | string | The geometry of the row version in Geotext format. |
geom_type | string | The type of geometry for the row version. |
geom_centroid | string | The centroid of the geometry for the row version. |
geom_center_x | double | The X-coordinate of the center point of the geometry for the row version. |
geom_center_y | double | The Y-coordinate of the center point of the geometry for the row version. |
geom | binary | The geometry of the row version. |
tietopalve | int | The data source for the row version. |