Metal Mines in Finland

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This table contains data on metallic mines sourced from the website of the Geological Survey of Finland. The data includes information such as the extraction date, row number, unique identifier (gml_id), object id, mine id, mine name, mine status, mining start year, mining end year, years mined, main commodity mined, size by main commodity, production, total ore mined, total ore processed, total waste mined, main commodities deposit, deposit name, deposit id, easting coordinates in the EUREF system, northing coordinates in the EUREF system, easting coordinates in the YKJ system, northing coordinates in the YKJ system, date updated, current holder, other commodities deposit, total resources, total reserves, calculation method, calculation year, alternative names for the mine, geometry in GeoJSON format, geometry in Geotext format, geometry type, centroid of the geometry, center x-coordinate of the geometry, center y-coordinate of the geometry, and the geometry itself. This data can be utilized in various data analytics tasks such as analyzing the production and size of mines, studying the distribution of mines across the country, investigating the relationship between mining start/end years and mine status, examining the total ore and waste mined, exploring the main commodities associated with different deposits, and analyzing the spatial distribution of mines using the geometry information.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateDate and time when the data was extracted.
_row_numberlongUnique identifier for each row in the table.
gml_idstringGML identifier for the record.
objectidintUnique identifier for the mine record.
mine_idintUnique identifier for the mine.
mine_namestringName of the mine.
mine_statusstringStatus of the mine.
mining_start_yearintYear when mining operations started.
mining_end_yearintYear when mining operations ended.
years_minedintTotal number of years the mine was in operation.
main_commodity_minedstringMain commodity mined at the site.
size_by_main_commoditystringSize of the mine based on the main commodity mined.
productionstringTotal production value of the mine.
total_ore_minedstringTotal amount of ore mined.
total_ore_processedstringTotal amount of ore processed.
total_waste_minedstringTotal amount of waste material mined.
main_commodities_depositstringMain commodities found at the mine deposit.
deposit_namestringName of the mine deposit.
deposit_idintUnique identifier for the mine deposit.
easting_eurefintEasting coordinate in EUREF for the mining site.
northing_eurefintNorthing coordinate in EUREF for the mining site.
easting_ykjintEasting coordinate in YKJ for the mining site.
northing_ykjintNorthing coordinate in YKJ for the mining site.
date_updatedtimestampDate when the mine data was last updated.
current_holderstringCurrent holder of the mine.
other_commodities_depositstringOther commodities found at the mine deposit.
resources_totalstringTotal amount of resources in the mine deposit.
reserves_totalstringTotal amount of reserves in the mine deposit.
calc_methodstringCalculation method used for estimating resources and reserves.
calc_yearintYear when the resource and reserve calculations were made.
mine_alternative_namesstringAlternative names for the mine.
geom_geojsonstringGeometry of the mine in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringText representation of the mine geometry.
geom_typestringType of geometry for the mine.
geom_centroidstringCentroid of the mine geometry.
geom_center_xdoubleX-coordinate of the centroid of the mine geometry.
geom_center_ydoubleY-coordinate of the centroid of the mine geometry.
geombinarySpatial representation of the mine geometry.

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Additional Information

Last updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package idbe241633-cada-4996-a3fb-e119659ad13e
Revision idb237f265-5263-4f99-a961-2aaf24f52f5a