Geological Survey of Finland - Rock Drilling Data

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This table contains data from the 'Geological Survey of Finland' website, consisting of information related to rock drillings. The data includes various attributes such as the extract date, row number, GML ID, hole ID, hole length, organization, coordinates, drilling year, depths, azimuth, dip, target name, spatial accuracy, reliability, positioning method, elevation, purpose of data collection, surface rock name, location, analysis, report link, scanning method, scanning year, processing level, soil drilling, petrophysics, thin section, and geometry information. The table provides valuable data for performing data analytics on rock drillings, such as analyzing the distribution of drilling locations, studying the correlation between drilling depths and rock characteristics, and investigating the relationship between drilling parameters and surface rock types. The data is sourced from the Geological Survey of Finland's website and originates from Finland (ISO country code: 'fi').

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the data was extracted from the source system.
_row_numberlongThe sequential number assigned to each row in the table.
gml_idstringThe unique identifier in GML (Geography Markup Language) format.
objectidintThe unique identifier for each object in the table.
hole_idstringThe identifier for each hole in the dataset.
hole_lengthintThe length of the hole in the dataset.
organizationstringThe organization responsible for the data collection.
eastingintThe easting coordinate of the location where the data was collected.
northingintThe northing coordinate of the location where the data was collected.
utm_50k_sheetstringThe UTM 50k sheet in which the data collection location falls.
kkj_100k_sheetintThe KKJ 100k sheet in which the data collection location falls.
drilling_yearintThe year in which the drilling took place.
start_depthintThe starting depth of the hole.
end_depthintThe ending depth of the hole.
hole_azimuthintThe azimuth of the hole in degrees.
hole_dipintThe dip of the hole in degrees.
target_namestringThe name of the target or purpose of the drilling.
spatial_accuracystringThe accuracy of the spatial data.
reliabilitystringThe reliability of the data.
positioning_methodstringThe method used for positioning the data.
zintThe elevation or depth value.
z_spatial_accuracystringThe accuracy of the elevation or depth value.
purpose_of_data_collectionstringThe purpose for which the data was collected.
z_reliabilitystringThe reliability of the elevation or depth value.
z_positioning_methodstringThe method used for positioning the elevation or depth value.
surface_rock_namestringThe name of the surface rock.
locationstringThe location of the data collection site.
analysisstringThe type of analysis performed on the data.
report_linkstringThe link to the report associated with the data.
scanning_methodstringThe method used for scanning the data.
scanning_yearintThe year in which the scanning took place.
processing_levelintThe processing level of the data.
soil_drillingintThe type of drilling method used for soil.
petrophysicsstringThe field of study concerned with the physical and chemical properties of rocks.
hole_id2stringThe identifier for each hole in the dataset (alternative).
thin_sectionstringThe thin section of the collected sample.
geom_geojsonstringThe spatial data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThe spatial data in Geotext format.
geom_typestringThe type of geometry of the spatial data.
geom_centroidstringThe centroid of the spatial data.
geom_center_xdoubleThe x-coordinate of the center of the spatial data.
geom_center_ydoubleThe y-coordinate of the center of the spatial data.
geombinaryThe spatial data.

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Additional Information

Last updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package id317ac578-ae12-4ebf-8198-44268c847fc1
Revision id93163d7e-a553-4f7f-88d0-2ae5d09e725c