Geological Surveys - Rock Formations Database (200k) in Finland

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This table contains geological data sourced from the website of Geologian tutkimuskeskus, which is a research center for geology in Finland (ISO country code: 'fi'). The table stores information about different rock formations, their names, classifications, ages, and other relevant attributes. The data can be utilized for various data analytics purposes such as analyzing the distribution of rock types, studying geological periods, identifying lithodemes, assessing dyke widths, and conducting spatial analysis using the provided geometries. The table also includes additional metadata fields like extraction date, row number, and unique identifiers for each record. The 'geom' column contains geometry information in GeoJSON format, which can be used for performing spatial operations and visualizations.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the data was extracted.
_row_numberlongThe row number of the data entry.
gml_idstringThe GML ID of the object.
objectidintThe unique identifier of the object.
eonintThe eon to which the data belongs.
eon_c3stringThe C3 category of eon.
eraintThe era to which the data belongs.
era_c5stringThe C5 category of era.
periodintThe period to which the data belongs.
period_c7stringThe C7 category of period.
supersuiteintThe supersuite to which the data belongs.
supersuite_c9stringThe C9 category of supersuite.
suiteintThe suite to which the data belongs.
suite_c11stringThe C11 category of suite.
lithodemeintThe lithodeme to which the data belongs.
lithodeme_c13stringThe C13 category of lithodeme.
original_rock_namestringThe original name of the rock.
rock_classintThe class of the rock.
rock_class_c16stringThe C16 category of rock class.
rock_nameintThe name of the rock.
rock_name_c18stringThe C18 category of rock name.
basisintThe basis of the data.
basis_c20stringThe C20 category of basis.
dyke_widthintThe width of the dyke.
dyke_width_c22stringThe C22 category of dyke width.
shape_lenintThe length of the shape.
agestringThe age of the data.
remarksstringAny remarks or comments.
geom_geojsonstringThe geometric representation of the data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThe geometric representation of the data in Geotext format.
geom_typestringThe type of the geometry.
geom_centroidstringThe centroid of the geometry.
geom_center_xdoubleThe x-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geom_center_ydoubleThe y-coordinate of the center of the geometry.
geombinaryThe geometry of the data.

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Additional Information

Last updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package id65175303-918f-45ff-8c27-e9f204d61d85
Revision id1c63c95f-bd43-4714-bcb4-a6d7d0a666cf