Age Determinations of Rock Samples from Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Finland

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This table contains data from the 'Geological Survey of Finland' (Geologian tutkimuskeskus) sourced from the country 'Finland' (ISO country code: 'fi'). The table provides detailed information about age determination for various rock samples. It contains columns such as '_extract_date' (date of extraction), '_row_number' (row number), 'gml_id' (GML ID), 'objectid' (unique identifier), 'age_determination_id' (age determination identifier), 'sample_field_code' (field code of the sample), 'map_sheet' (map sheet reference), 'northing' (northing coordinate), 'easting' (easting coordinate), 'ykj_north_original' (original YKJ north coordinate), 'ykj_east_original' (original YKJ east coordinate), 'location' (location information), 'rock_type' (type of rock), 'mineral' (mineral), 'mineral_c12' (C-12 composition of the mineral), 'system' (geological system), 'method' (age determination method), 'number_of_analyses' (number of analyses performed), 'reliability_of_age' (reliability of age determination), 'epsilon_nd_age' (epsilon Nd age), 'published' (published information), 'reference' (reference for age determination), 'comments' (additional comments), 'age_legend' (legend for age determination), 'error_two_sigma_legend' (legend for two sigma error), 'age2_legend' (legend for age determination 2), 'error_two_sigma_legend2' (legend for two sigma error 2), 'age_determined' (determined age), 'error_estimate_two_sigma' (two sigma error estimate), 'lower_intercept_age_u_pb' (lower intercept age U-Pb), 'error_lower_intercept_age' (error for lower intercept age), 'mineral2' (additional mineral), 'mineral2_c30' (C-30 composition of additional mineral), 'age_determined2' (determined age for additional mineral), 'error_estimate_two_sigma2' (two sigma error estimate for additional mineral), 'geom_geojson' (geometry in GeoJSON format), 'geom_geotext' (geometry in GeoText format), 'geom_type' (geometry type), 'geom_centroid' (centroid of geometry), 'geom_center_x' (X coordinate of geometry center), 'geom_center_y' (Y coordinate of geometry center), and 'geom' (geometry information). This data can be utilized in various data analytics tasks such as studying age determinations of rock samples, analyzing rock types and minerals, assessing reliability and errors in age determinations, and exploring geological systems and methods used. The table provides valuable information for geological research and analysis.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThe date when the data was extracted.
_row_numberlongThe row number of the entry in the table.
gml_idstringThe unique identifier of the entry in GML format.
objectidintThe unique identifier of the entry.
age_determination_idstringThe unique identifier of the age determination.
sample_field_codestringThe field code of the sample.
map_sheetintThe map sheet reference.
northingintThe northing coordinate of the location.
eastingintThe easting coordinate of the location.
ykj_north_originalintThe original YKJ north coordinate.
ykj_east_originalintThe original YKJ east coordinate.
locationstringThe location description.
rock_typestringThe type of rock.
mineralstringThe mineral found.
mineral_c12stringThe C12 isotope of the mineral.
systemstringThe geological system.
methodstringThe method used for age determination.
number_of_analysesintThe number of analyses conducted.
reliability_of_agestringThe reliability of the age determination.
epsilon_nd_agefloatThe epsilon value for the Nd age.
publishedstringIndicates whether the age is published or not.
referencestringThe reference source for the age determination.
commentsstringAdditional comments or notes.
age_legendintThe legend for the age determination.
error_two_sigma_legendintThe legend for the two sigma error.
age2_legendintThe legend for the second age determination.
error_two_sigma_legend2intThe legend for the two sigma error of the second age determination.
age_determinedintThe determined age.
error_estimate_two_sigmaintThe two sigma error estimate.
lower_intercept_age_u_pbintThe lower intercept age determined using U-Pb.
error_lower_intercept_ageintThe error in the lower intercept age.
mineral2stringThe second mineral found.
mineral2_c30stringThe C30 isotope of the second mineral.
age_determined2intThe determined age of the second mineral.
error_estimate_two_sigma2intThe two sigma error estimate of the second mineral.
geom_geojsonstringThe geometrical data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThe geometrical data in Geotext format.
geom_typestringThe type of geometry.
geom_centroidstringThe centroid of the geometry.
geom_center_xdoubleThe X-coordinate of the geometry center.
geom_center_ydoubleThe Y-coordinate of the geometry center.
geombinaryThe full geometry information.

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Additional Information

Last updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package id27872198-754b-40ef-9a81-a7ecb904af2e
Revision idf6287b79-7fea-4584-846e-56972d1ca61a