Energy Metals Database - Geological Survey of Finland - Rock Surfaces - Web Feature Service (WFS)

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This table contains data about energy metals from the website of the Geological Survey of Finland (Geologian tutkimuskeskus). The data is sourced from the country Finland (ISO country code 'fi'). The table provides information on various aspects related to energy metal deposits. The table includes columns such as 'extract date', 'row number', 'gml id', 'object id', 'id', 'name', 'alternative names', 'easting EUREF', 'northing EUREF', 'easting YKJ', 'northing YKJ', 'commodity', 'size by commodity', 'all main commodities', 'occurrence type', 'mine status', 'discovery year', 'commodity measure total', 'resources total', 'calculation method', 'calculation year', 'province', 'deposit type', 'host rocks', 'deposit shape', 'length (m)', 'width (m)', 'thickness (m)', 'depth (m)', 'date updated', 'UNFC classification', 'other commodities', 'dip azimuth', 'dip', 'plunge azimuth', 'plunge dip', 'wall rocks', 'current holder', 'district', 'geometry (GeoJSON)', 'geometry (GeoText)', 'geometry type', 'geometry centroid', 'geometry center X', 'geometry center Y', and 'geometry'. Examples of data analytics that can be performed using this table include analyzing the distribution of energy metal deposits across different provinces, examining the relationships between deposit size and occurrence type, studying the geological characteristics of host rocks, and visualizing the spatial distribution of the energy metal deposits using the provided geometry information.

Field Descriptions

Name Data type Description
_extract_datedateThis column stores the date that the data was extracted.
_row_numberlongThis column contains the row number of the data entry.
gml_idstringThis column represents the GML identifier for the entry.
objectidintThis column stores the unique object identifier for each entry.
idintThis column stores the unique identifier for each entry.
namestringThis column stores the name of the entry.
alternative_namesstringThis column stores the alternative names or aliases for the entry.
easting_eurefintThis column stores the easting coordinate in the EUREF coordinate system.
northing_eurefintThis column stores the northing coordinate in the EUREF coordinate system.
easting_ykjintThis column stores the easting coordinate in the YKJ coordinate system.
northing_ykjintThis column stores the northing coordinate in the YKJ coordinate system.
commoditystringThis column stores the type of commodity associated with the entry.
size_by_commoditystringThis column stores the size of the entry based on the commodity.
all_main_commoditiesstringThis column stores the main commodities associated with the entry.
ocurrence_typestringThis column stores the type of occurrence for the entry.
mine_statusstringThis column stores the status of the mine associated with the entry.
discovery_yearintThis column stores the year of discovery for the entry.
commodity_measure_totalstringThis column stores the total measure of the commodity for the entry.
resources_totalstringThis column stores the total resources for the entry.
calc_methodstringThis column stores the calculation method used for the entry.
calc_yearintThis column stores the year of calculation for the entry.
provincestringThis column stores the province or region associated with the entry.
deposit_typestringThis column stores the type of deposit for the entry.
host_rocksstringThis column stores the host rocks for the entry.
deposit_shapestringThis column stores the shape of the deposit for the entry.
length_mintThis column stores the length of the deposit in meters.
width_mintThis column stores the width of the deposit in meters.
thickness_mintThis column stores the thickness of the deposit in meters.
depth_mintThis column stores the depth of the deposit in meters.
date_updatedtimestampThis column stores the date when the entry was last updated.
unfc_classificationstringThis column stores the UNFC (United Nations Framework Classification) classification for the entry.
other_commoditiesstringThis column stores other commodities associated with the entry.
dip_azimintThis column stores the dip azimuth for the entry.
dipintThis column stores the dip value for the entry.
plunge_azimintThis column stores the plunge azimuth for the entry.
plunge_dipintThis column stores the plunge dip value for the entry.
wall_rocksstringThis column stores the wall rocks for the entry.
current_holderstringThis column stores the current holder of the entry.
districtstringThis column stores the district or area associated with the entry.
geom_geojsonstringThis column stores the geometry of the entry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotextstringThis column stores the geometry of the entry in text format.
geom_typestringThis column stores the type of geometry for the entry.
geom_centroidstringThis column stores the centroid of the geometry for the entry.
geom_center_xdoubleThis column stores the x-coordinate of the center of the geometry for the entry.
geom_center_ydoubleThis column stores the y-coordinate of the center of the geometry for the entry.
geombinaryThis column stores the geometry of the entry.

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Additional Information

Last updated April 22, 2024
Created April 22, 2024
License No License Provided
Geographic coverage
Geographic granularity
Temporal coverage from
Temporal coverage to
Temporal coverage to
Package id1c959972-9278-46f9-b79a-9fae49444cb7
Revision id3eeb4cb1-ddc3-47ef-8485-b05d615d10ec